Batman and Robin made an appearance for Halloween this year and Tyler was super in to it! From day one when I asked he said he wanted to be Batman and never once changed his mind. We went to the store and he requested "the one with no muscles Mom" and off we went with the no muscle Batman. I had a cookie monster costume for Zac that Tyler refused to wear when he was Zac's age and instead of that we got the Robin costume since this is the last year I'll have any control over outfits for Zac. Zac screamed both times he had to get in his outfit, but got over it both times. He kept his mask on for about .2 seconds and just long enough for me to snap a picture of them together. Zac walked nicely for his school parade and Tyler paraded like as pro, waved Hi and yelled Happy Halloween! If you would have told me 2 years ago that our kid who would cry when he saw us during school concerts and run off stage or out of line to come to us would be walking in the parade and be so proud of his costume and totally just loved that I was there seeing him I would've never believed it. He's growing up. I put a hat on so there was a small chance that Zac wouldn't recognize me and I hid behind my camera when he came around. I was like the paparazzi. You'll see there's a few pictures at the end where he recognized me, but wasn't 100% sure if it was me, so he was giving me the stink eye/pout face while trying to determine exactly what was going on. Halloween is always strange, you never know what kind of weather you're going to get. Sometimes you freeze, two years ago we trick-or-treated in snow and this year it was warm. No bundling up needed. And I managed to get away with another year of not having candy corn enter the house...gag. Halloween 2013 was a success!

The four buddies, can't wait to show them this when they're older!
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