- I just saw that the Senate passed the debt deal or whatever it is that they did. That's good since Dave has been working for free and Jill has been sitting at home not getting paid either. It's awesome when you have to go work, but not get paid. Way to go Congress and by the way, you suck...all of you. Wish these guys would be working for free too, but I don't think that's the case.
- Our daycare payment is due this Friday. $940 every two weeks. Yep that's $1,880 every month. Down from the $2,020 we use to pay when Zac was an infant. I was going to see if someone in Congress could loan me the money if they had decided to still act like our 3 year old come the end of the week. I'm thankful that we both work, that even when something like this happens, we still have one pay check coming in.
- Tyler started karate today at school. He loved it. He learned self control today and how to do one type of kick. The pastor at the church our school is in is teaching it and he's teaching them lessons as well. Not just how to karate chop their siblings heads off. It'll be good for him and we don't have to pay any more $$ on top of our tuition....bonus. I don't mind paying what we do for childcare because they go to an awesome school. Nothing fancy, really small, very homey, back of a church, but they do stuff with the kids that's awesome and they love the kids, they really do.
- Tyler has gone to two soccer practices since he started. He doesn't like it at all so we don't force him to go. He signed up with two of his friends and none of them go anymore. We'll wait for outdoor soccer and try t-ball in the Spring. Right now, he's happy just running around and having fun with his friends.
- We were supposed to go camping and mountain biking this past weekend for a long weekend alone trip. It rained a lot so we couldn't go. Dave and I still took Friday off and took Tyler to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. Dave's Mom watched Zac and we got to enjoy a movie together with him. It was nice.
- Dave and I still got to get away and headed to Penn Sate Saturday morning for the game. It was the best game EVER. For real. Those guys needed that win to give them a boost. I still struggle with the fact that these players are being punished for something they weren't involved in. Our tickets were free and they were good seats. We stayed with friends we haven't seen in about 3 years, went out, celebrated and awesome win and slept until 11am Sunday morning, then enjoyed lunch with our friends. It was good for the soul.
- Our kids are pretty crazy. I say that in a good way though. Crazy meaning busy and active. Right now, Dave is telling Zac he has to put his PJ's on and Zac is standing on the coffee table in the middle of the living room swinging a little push toy around at him...ha! There's not really a way that Dave and I could produce kids that don't run around like maniacs because Dave and I run around like maniacs. When I was little I remember scaling the walls in our hallway so that I was at the top and my back was flat against the ceiling and then walking along the outside of the stairway railing and hanging off it. I don't do yoga regularly because the entire time I'm doing it I'm usually thinking about how I could be running a few miles, sweating, out of breath. What's going on in my mind during yoga defeats the purpose of it. I'm just not very Zen. I do like it, but it' snot something I can do on a regular basis (other than when I was pregnant that was nice). I know that says snot, I left it in there because I chuckled when I read it.
- We went to see Monster Jam and it was really cool. The boys loved it. Zac surprised us and sat for almost the entire thing. Tyler of course loved it and sat and watched the entire time. Next time I think I'll bring my own ear plugs. Those trucks are loud! There's a reason God gave me two boys. I'm super content with it.
- As I write this there's a cat staring in our back door. I really don't think we'll ever have a pet. To keep one more thing breathing just isn't on my agenda. You can laugh when I post pictures of a pet in the next few years once the kids talk me in to it.
- I'm going to have Dave do a guest post. He doesn't know yet, but it's about time we start hearing from him around this place!
Pictures, pictures and more pictures...

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