Swimming in the tub

Uncle Ry with his tousled hair and his model pout. He's moving to Seattle in a few weeks, we'll miss him! :(

We ran the Fox's Trot 5k as a family :)

And Tyler did the kids fun run

If you've got it, spike it!

Celebrating Oct/Nov birthdays!

When someone gets a hold of my phone, I'm always surprised with the pictures I find.

Zac's first dentist appointment. He loved the play area and screamed his face off for the 2 minutes that the dentist examined him. And also last week Tyler had 2 cavities filled. I think he got my teeth as far as cavities go :(

Scouring Toy R Us to start making their xmas lists!

And goodbye to the Jeep :( Last night we got a new Jeep Grand Cherokee. This is the first time in I don't know how long that we're certain when we go out to start our cars that they will actually start. We have certainly put our time in with old cars. I may have to dedicate an entire post to the Jeep, it was like one of our kids. I wasn't there for the actual parting, but Dave says it was emotional ;)

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