- Clap your hands, give hugs, give kisses, let's dance, give me your binky, how does the Doggy go?, wave hi/bye - he responds to all of these things when we ask him to do them. He does a great, very quiet "huhh, huhh" to bark like a dog.
- When you sing Itsy Bitsy Spider, he tries really hard to do the spider with his hands.
- This past week 4 different teachers have said to me "Do you know he says Linda?". Linda is his teacher and I guess whenever he gets up from a nap or someone tells him No when he's doing something he shouldn't be, he yells "Linda!". I have yet to hear this, but they swear he does it.
- They say he's just like Tyler. Climbing in and out of buckets of toys, leaving the room and going across the hall, trying to get in to the garbage can (and turning around and smiling at them while he does it).
- He says 'nana' when he wants a banana, mama, dada, I guess he says Linda and Grammy says that the other day he said 'thank you' to her. Every once in a while, I hear a sound come out that kind of sounds like 'Tyler', but I'm not sure about that one.
- Grammy was watching him the other day and she said he looked at my In Touch magazine that had a picture of Kate Middleton on the page and said 'Mama' and then gave it a kiss. I don't mind being called a princess or duchess whatever she is, thank you son :)
- He's down to 2 bottles a day and isn't super interested in them, so we're thinking that taking away the bottle won't be hard at all so we plan to do that pretty soon.
- He plays with his brother and likes to follow him around.
- He loves the ball popper and will hit the little handle to make it play over and over again.
- He's still a good eater and is sleeping really good too.
- Still only has his 2 bottom teeth. I love the gummy smile!
- Oh yeah, and he's starting to yell at us when we tell him No or make him stop doing something he's not supposed to be doing. He insists on trying to open the gates and climb the stairs. His little personality is coming out more and more. I love it!
This months photo shoot is titled "Zac tackling an apple". He was determined to eat it and it took him a while, but he managed to eat a little bit of it!
And here I am in the In Touch magazine :)

And then there's yoga by Zac. We came home from work on Friday and Grammy said does he always stand on his head. Nope, we've never seen this before, but I guess he does now!

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