We had his three year checkup last week. He weighs in at 32.5 lbs (55%) and 38 in (60%). Everything checked out great. He had his first vision test and nothing else too exciting from the visit other than he was bouncing off the walls for the doctor (putting on a nice show for him) and wanted him to play hide and seek :)
Tyler you’re a social bug and overall a smiley happy kid. You like playing with friends at school, playing with your cousins, playing outside, reading books, going to the park and running around the yard with Mom and Dad. You’re pretty athletic for your age. In gym class one day, Ms. Kristen told us you won a game of tag between the 2, 3 and 4 year old classes. She said Mr. Ryan, your gym teacher and her couldn’t believe some of the moves you were pulling so you wouldn’t get tagged. You get that from me I’m sure ;) I think you’ll be pretty athletic and you like to play baseball, kick around the soccer ball and you love going swimming at the Y.
You know your full name and address and our names too. We have to ask you the address in pieces, but for the most part you know it. You can draw circles and lines and like I said in the last post I think you’re working on squares or rectangles now. You know your ABC’s and can count to about 20. You’re starting to recognize some letters and maybe a few numbers. You can recognize your name and spell it too. Your speech is awesome. Recently, you started using the words ‘also’ and ‘actually’. I love this it’s really cute. You know right and left and I’m certain that you’re learning so much at school because that’s one of those things that we just can’t take credit for. Actually, there’s a lot you learn at school and I can’t thank your teachers enough for what they teach you daily.
You are great with the potty and two weeks ago we decided to ditch the pull ups at night. You're doing really great with not wetting the bed. We hope it continues.
You’re funny…really funny. I wish I could capture all the things you say to make us laugh. The other day you told me about a Darth Vader shirt in your closet (in a very serious way) “Mom, that shirt is freaking me out.” We have no clue where you come up with some of the stuff you say! You got a Leap Pad for Christmas and we can put real music on it. You came home one day and said “Mom, you know that never, ever, ever getting back together song? Can I get that on my iPad?” I’ve never played that song before so I don't know how he knows of it.
Speaking of songs, you have a complete playlist that you requested on your “iPad”. We have Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson, Dirt Road Anthem by Jason Aldean, Firework by Katy Perry, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift, Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus, Home by Phillip Phillips, Learn Me Right (Mumford and Sons from Brave the movie), the oldie but goodie Runaround Sue (cause Mom likes that one), What's Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. You listen to the music all the time on there. And dance around the room. We have family dance parties and you’re brother is in to it now too. I taught you how to Tango the other day and you thought it was hysterical.
You love to watch movies and a few favorites at the moment are Cars, Brave, Despicable Me, all the Ice Age movies and Madagascar ones. But really, you like a ton of movies and you sit through them really well. Your favorite TV shows right now are Jake and the Neverland Pirates and Wild Kratts. You like Ninja Turtles and Transformers, but I limit those because then you go to school sometimes and think you’re one of them and get in trouble for pretending you have weapons and play fighting. There's 7 kids in your class and 6 of you are boys. Boys will be boys and you are all at the same stage with what you like to do and how you play.
You are a great big brother. You care a lot about Zac. You don’t like when he cries, you try to make him better and for the most part you share with him and are kind to him. I can’t wait to see your relationship with your brother grows.
So there’s the good. But as we all know life can’t be this much sunshine and rainbows all the time around here. Although I tend to only focus on the good stuff on the blog, we also have...some meltdowns, some jabs at little brother, some whining, some new found freedom of “No, I’m not going to do that now!” or “That’s not fair!”, some moments where I’m not quite sure if you can hear or not, but then I’m reassured you can when we have moments when you listen like a little angel. With that being said though, we’re told it’s all part of the process of having a growing kid and for the most part you are a good boy :)
I have to note this because one day it might come true and then I'll have written it down. The one day Ms. Kristen and I were talking and she said sometimes she and Ms. Maris will sit there while you guys are napping and talk about what they think each of you will be when you grow up and here are their predictions for you. I was told “He’ll either be a professional athlete, we think a baseball player” or “He’ll be one of the crazy smart people that invent something, but you’ll never know that’s he’s the person behind what was invented.” Either way, it looks like Mama’s getting to retire early. Kid, keep me in mind when you make it big! Whatever it is I know you’ll move mountains because you’re already getting them to shake a little bit and you’re only three.
Tyler, you were the one brought us in to this crazy parenting business and you have made our lives exciting and complete. Love you buddy!
Snapshot from this morning. I made it at work for one hour this morning before I got a call that Tyler threw up. So, we're spending that day together at home :)
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