Filling out valentine's together for two kids this year almost brought out the divorce papers (every time Dave ripped a valentine or sticker he'd say Beth, next year can you not buy valentine's with these tiny %*&$%# stickers!?) and my great idea for Tyler's class almost sent Dave down to Cisco's for a quick shot or two with the locals. But around 11 or so, everything was complete and the boys were ready to spread their love around the entire school the next day (and I looked like a great Pinterest inspired Mom, but Dave did all the work ha!). Win for me...

Tyler's treat bag they made at school

Dave and I have been able to sneak out and go skiing a few times. We took Kyle with us last weekend and it's crazy to see him grown up and skiing with us. Last time we took him skiing he was 3! Happy he's in to it now and that he's not a snowboarder :)

Dave and the head wall on Boomer. Juli and I were attempting to catch some air on it too, but of course we don't have those pictures since we did much better tricks than him :)

And here's Dave giving birth to Juli.

Zac and I went to one of Alex's gymnastic tournaments and she did really great and so did Zac considering he sat there for about 2 hours or so!

And it's here. Amy had a coupon for 2 containers of formula so she bought us each one and delivered it to me with a message :) I'm very happy to be close to the end of my bottle making days!

And just a few more random pictures...

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