Zac woke up one morning and I put him in bed with me and we were cuddling so nicely, then he coughed a little and threw up in my face. Thank goodness he cute.
One morning I was getting ready for work and Tyler, Zac and I were all in our little bathroom together. Tyler just went pee and hopped off the toilet only to have Zac come right up behind him and start splish splashing in the toilet water. ugh. Sometimes I get to work at 8 and feel as if I already ran a marathon. And when Zac sees the toilet paper roll it's like the heavens light up and he charges towards it like no other. He can unroll that puppy in under 2.5 seconds I swear and then eats the toilet paper. I don't remember Tyler being so infatuated with toilet paper.
This past Sunday, Zac rolled down our stairs. Thank goodness he was perfectly fine and that we only have 5 stairs. He was just a little startled and had a tiny fat lip. It's not even like he was left alone or we weren't watching him. This crap happens so fast it's unbelievable. But Good God did it scare us. Two minutes later he was climbing back up the stairs and Dave and I were still trying to get our hearts back to a regular rhythm. After this happened, Dave and I found out that every parent has a story to share like this. Thank goodness other parents are willing to share their moments too.
Yesterday morning, I was putting Zac in the car and Tyler was standing behind the car. He's always curious as to what the exhaust is coming out of the car on cold mornings, but he knows not to go near it. He started coughing and choking a little out of nowhere. I ran over to him and asked if he breathed the smoke in and he said no, but then I was freaking out that he did and something was going to happen. Who worries about this kind of stuff? ME. I work with nurses and the stuff I come in ask ask them probably has them one step away from admitting me to the looney bin.
In good news, I attempted to get a picture of the boys to put in frames in their rooms. Here's what I got :)
And some fixing with Dad
And then Tyler came walking down the stairs tonight and had tools tucked in his underwear. After a little while he said "Dad, look at my tool belt!". I asked him what he wanted for his birthday and he said "one of these like Dad" it was a voltage meter. :)
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