Cuddles with Aunt Kris
Eating gummies with cousin Kyle
Nice weather and maternity leave with 2 friends means the baby brigade is out walking on the trail

Still fixing stuff. The other day he made me a bird house :)
More cuddles with Aunt Juli
Relaxing with Dad in the front yard
Mr. Potato Head
Uncle Paul "The Baby Whisperer" with Zac and Nash
Having a picnic dinner in the back yard
Showing off new big brother/dinosaur tattoo's that Aunt Doris and Uncle Ace sent. These were a huge hit! Thanks Aunt Doris and Uncle Ace :)
Lots blooming around here...the trees look so nice!
Peaceful baby :)
Tyler did an impromptu photo shoot of me the other's a sample of one of his best shots ha ha! He's really getting in to this picture taking thing :)
Not really sure who this is. Maybe the Green Goblin?? With 2 boys I really need to brush up on my super hero knowledge! Super hero update: Thanks to our cousin Joe for letting me know this is The Green Lantern! I was too lazy to pick up the phone and call Dave at work to find out who this mysterious green man was :)
Super Grover! I definitely know this one!
And a few shots of our little pirogi. I have about 5,000 names for this guy already :)
That's Green Lantern! One of these days, April, Asa & I will need to stop down and give you a crash course in this super hero stuff!
Tyler is freaking hilarious! His pictures ALWAYS make me laugh:) Zac is growing so fast- hugs to all of you!!! XOXO
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