We did have one hiccup that weekend. Our doctor told us to put peroxide in Tyler's ears every day until he complains of pain because he had some wax around his tubes that we needed to get rid of. It's been over a year since he's had an ear infection...these tubes have done wonders for him. So we put drops in on Saturday and no problem, he actually asked for more. On Sunday right before we were going to sit down for Easter dinner I did the drops again and Tyler freaked! Apparently, the wax was gone and they never described the level of "pain" that he'd complain of. Even with all of the ear infections he had I've never really seen him in pain, but this was terrible. He cried and screamed and said it hurt, so Tyler and I cuddled for dinner (both of us were in tears) until he felt better. Aunt Jill's strawberry shortcake along with singing Happy Birthday to Aunt Donna on the phone (with candles lit on our cake so he could blow them out for her) did the trick of making him forget about what happened, but it was terrible. I didn't like it one bit, but I guess we just chalk it up to another parenting moment under our belts. This job is tough...
Here's pictures of the happier Easter moments :)
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