What makes a 2 year old happy? Singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candle even when it's not a birthday and the candle in the cake is his brothers baptism candle we just got at church :)
It was a long weekend and both boys were pooped come Monday morning. Tyler loves laying on the couch with his brother.
Jill was taking pictures for us at church so when I stumbled upon this picture I couldn't help but laugh! Here's what I'm envisioning was happening here...
Alex saying "What Mom? I'm not doing anything and yes I know we're in church so we have to behave."
Three seconds later..."Forget about that...Sydney's going in a head lock"
LOL, That is kind of how it all went down!!! :)
What a SPECIAL day! I still can't get over how much Zac looks like Tyler. Beth, you look AMAZING! Did you really just have a baby?? Don't even for a second say you don't look good:) The pic of the boys on the couch melts mt heart:)
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