He can have real conversations with people (which sometimes frightens me as to what's going to come out of his mouth), he's really outgoing, but every once in a while he's shy when he states "I'm shy" to someone and stands next to me, he's smart, caring, funny, and has a good sense of humor. He's a cuddler and still gives kisses and hugs freely to us and please Lord don't ever let the stop.
We were in Build a Bear last week and Tyler walked in and said "Dad, I know what bear your going to pick...the princess bear!" and the women behind the counter was like "Did he just bust his Dad's chops??" Yep, he did ma'am. Her response "I love it."
The other day I said to him, "Now that you're going to be 4 we're going to have to pick out a chore for you to do." I started trying to suggest a few things he could do, but before I even got the first one out he said "Mom, no, you don't have to tell me. I know...I could sell tacos." Where that one came from I have no clue! And that's another thing now when I ask him to do something "Mooooommm, you don't have to tell me I'm 4 now."
He's learning so much it's incredible. He can write his name, color in the lines, use scissors, identifies all his letters and knows the sounds they make. He identifies numbers and is starting to be able to read the time on a digital clock. The other day Dave said to me "Should we ask K-Y-L-E if he wants to go to the movies with us (spelling out Kyle so Tyler wouldn't know what we were talking about) and Tyler said "Yeah, let's ask Kyle if he wants to come!" So much for spelling his friends names out.
His energy can outlast Dave and I combined and Dave and I have a lot of energy. Apples doesn't fall far I tell ya. Still a really good sleeper and takes a nap at school, but doesn't take a nap at home. He's getting in to trying new foods, loves to run around outside, he just loves to run in general really (I kid that I think he ran home from the hospital), still loves watching movies, likes playing with friends and playing with his brother, and likes playing baseball and riding his bike. He continues to be a good big brother and they are starting to play together a lot. The wrestle, run around, fight, hit each other, all stuff that brothers do. Even though he still throws some cheap shots around at his brother, he really loves Zac and you can tell. But Zac is starting to throw them back...get 'em. Dave took Tyler to Nitro Circus and when Tyler was done eating his chicken fingers he started wrapping them up. When Dave asked what he was doing he said "I'm wrapping them up to take home for Zac." The boy doesn't give up his chicken fingers to just anyone.
I could write and write about stuff, good and bad, but overall Tyler is growing up to be a nice young man who is making his Mama proud :)
I did a little interview with him about his favorites, here it goes:
Color: Orange
Toy: The motorcycles that race down the ramp
TV show: Paw Patrol
Movie: Finding Nemo
Food: Mac and Cheese
Friends at school: Kyle and Wyatt
Thing to do outside: Play tag you're it!
Thing to do with Mom: Play Go Fishin
Thing to do with Dad (and same answer for brother): Football tag
Song: Cruise by Florida Georgia Line
Book: Dr. Seuss Sleep Book
What do you want to be when you grow up: Monster truck driver
And there you have it. Some answers I would expect and some I wouldn't, but either way that's what he said. Now, some pictures from his birthday party at school and of the small one we had at home last night. More parties to come and celebrate this weekend.

1 comment:
Happy 4th birthday T! We love you! Aunt Jill, Alexis and Sydney
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