They did a hearing test and one of his ears came in under what they like to see. He said Tyler has lots of fluid in that ears o we'll just come back in a month for an ear check and if the fluid is gone we'll do another hearing test to make sure his ear is better. If he still has the fluid we'll go back monthly for 3 months and if it's still there back to the ENT to talk about tubes again. Either way I know he can hear so I'm not too stressed. Sometimes he hears things that we don't like someone knocking at the door or when Dave and I are talking in another room and he hears what we're saying.
He's weighing in at 37.8 lbs (64%) and he's 41.5 in (76%). He cried a lot when they gave him the shots, but did really great overall with getting them. Luckily, we don't have any more shots until he's 11.
Tyler partied at both Grandma's houses last weekend for his birthday. A cow cake made by Alex and Sydney, cupcakes for another party (with super duper large candles), some quad riding and we took him skiing for the first time. It was a good 4 year celebration.
Tyler did awesome his first time out skiing. We weren't quite sure how it was going to go, but he pretty much wanted to just point his skis downhill and fly. I was really surprised at how well it all went. We went on the bunny hill a few times, then went a bigger hill so we wouldn't end up at the bottom so fast. When we'd get to the bottom he'd say "That was awesome!". We skied for about 1.5 hours and he was totally pooped by time we went in to the lodge. I went for a few runs myself and came back in to him sleeping on Dave's lap. So sweet. We're proud of our little skier.
We also had about a foot of snow this past week, so Tyler and Dad got to ride the quad in more snow. We had some fortress building in the basement and lots of playing in the snow. Tyler loves playing in the snow so much. Zac would love to play in it if he would let us get his snow pants on, but he throws a fit so he stays inside and does shoveling usually while Tyler is out playing. We'll get there one day I know we will, but I just don't have the energy to fight Zac to get those darn snow pants on :)

1 comment:
LOVE, LOVE the skiing videos! SOOO fun! Total boy heaven at your house- forts, quads, fun in the snow:) Lucky boys!!!
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