You cruise around on everything now a days and motor around after your brother like it's nothing. You still think Tyler is the coolest thing ever and you seem to have gotten over your brief period of being afraid of people you don't know. Your teacher tells us you'll be walking soon. She was right on with Tyler so we'll she if she's right this time around too!
Sleep...biggest change from last month! You sleep so well now. We had one night where we had to let you cry a little and after that you have been great. You go to bed at 7:30-8 and wake up anywhere from 6-7. We are all VERY happy!
You seemed to have found your voice or at least figured out that you have to yell to be heard over your brother. "Nana" seems to be a new 'word' and I swear you always saw it while in your highchair so maybe you're trying to say banana. You still have 2 bottom teeth and I can't feel any others coming in at the moment. New tricks this month are dancing and giving high fives :)
Other than that, you're growing up so fast and we can't believe in 2 months we'll have a one year old - yikes! Love you buddy! ♥
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