This one happened a while ago and I can't remember if I write about it and I'm too lazy to go back and look. Tyler was at school playing with the kitchen set and handed his teacher a bottle and said "Ms. Kristen, will you hold my beer?" yikes!
They were out playing on the playground at school one day and a cop went by with his sirens on. They said Tyler started running in circles around the playground yelling "The cops are coming! The cops are coming! Everyone hide!" and then he ran in to the little playhouse to hide.
So, like Jill said, from what the teachers hear from Tyler, they probably just think we're a beer drinking, boob loving, running from the cops family! Yeeehaw!
The other night he went to bed and about 15 minutes later I heard him sneeze. Then, he started yelling for me. I went to his room and he said "Mommy, why didn't you say bless you"
And the other night, we were reading books in bed and he looked over at a picture of him and Alex that's on his dresser and he said "I look like a girl in that picture. Let me see that picture." I brought it over to him and he said "Yeah, I look like a girl with that hat on."
And he's definitely starting to have dreams...
At 5am one morning, he started crying and yelling for me. I went in his room and he was sitting up with his eyes still closed and was saying "I don't want to leave the birthday party", then laid back down and went to bed.
Yesterday morning, he woke up and was really upset and told Dave "I had a dream that you left us in the car and I had to drive Zac home". What?? No clue where that came from! :(
Now, on to my annual "bribe the kid so he sits still and takes one nice picture for the Christmas card event", bad news is I can't bribe Zac yet. Sigh. So after a promise of a milk shake with sprinkles on top, the boys sat for a picture. This is right after we walked in the door from swimming at the Y and I didn't even let them take their hats off. Probably not the best time since they were both really hungry from swimming, but oh well. We didn't really get a great one, but got a good enough one to use for the card. And the cards came and I ordered the wrong's bigger then I normally get, but I'm just dealing with it. Here's a few outtakes...
1 comment:
I think you should use all of the outtakes for the christmas card!!!! :)
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