You say Mama and Dad a lot now and sometimes I think you know to call us Mom and Dad like when you want me to pick you up and a Mama comes out. Other words you seem to be trying to say are “more” which is “momomo” as you try to do the sign for more when you’re eating and “Bye”, which is “bubububu” and you wave your hands bye. Your new tricks are clapping and waving Bye Bye. Your first 2 teeth came in two weeks ago. They’re the 2 bottom middle ones and they came in together while you were fighting a virus all week (good times for sure!)
We were having a hard time with you drinking your bedtime bottle, which meant you wake up about once a night to chug a bottle and then go back to sleep. We’re working on this nighttime waking thing (and might just be making progress at the moment). I think we got it figured out and for the past few days you've had 3 bottles a day total, so you drink the bedtime one and it seems to be working because you're sleeping well and through the night about 8pm to 6 or 7am. Fingers crossed...
You still eat really well and seem to prefer to feed yourself and you don't really like baby food anymore. You had spaghetti for the first time the other night and last night you had breaded chicken and corn just like the rest of us. This morning you had pumpkin roll for breakfast and you love pancakes. Your absolute favorite is wheat Ritz crackers and you would survive on them if we let you. Unlike your brother, who we thought would choke on everything we gave him (first-time parent syndrome) we’re much more laid back with you and give you pretty much anything to eat. Pays to be the second kid sometimes.
At your 9 month visit on Monday, you were 18 lbs 3 oz (26%) and 27.5 in (20%) and head size was 17 in. (53%). We went to the dermatologist and urgent care last week and you were 28.5 inches (68%) at both places so again I’m not exactly sure of your exact height. I know that you’re growing great though because you’re moving on to 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers. Speaking of dermatologist, your hemangioma is doing great and that’s why I don’t ever write anything about it. It hasn’t grown in a long time and we still use the glaucoma medicine on it, but it will disappear on its own.
I say it every time, but you’re a joy be around. You win everyone over with those blue eyes and smile of yours and I’m pretty sure you’ll use that to your advantage with me when you want something when you’re older. I could gobble you up!
And off he goes up the stairs...
Then tyler decided that he'd try and help him up. This picture looks much more dangerous than it really was :)
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