Me: Tyler, clean up your toys please (I asked him over and over for about 10 minutes)
Tyler: Let's sing the clean up song. I'll be the teacher. He started saying ring, ring and was shaking his fake bell in the air. Then he started to sing the clean up song and was telling me to clean up.
Me: Ok, I'm the student. Teacher, can you please help me clean up.
Tyler: No, the teacher doesn't clean up.
And that's when my child became smarter than me!
I was in the kitchen and Tyler yelled "Mom, I'm taking Zac for a walk!" and that he was. He took the tie from my robe and tied it around the exersaucer and was dragging Zac around the room :)
Reliving old times in the exersaucer...

This house is like a circus sometimes (or wait I think it's actually most of the time). With an energetic little boy and a baby that has become non-stop and is on the move there's never a dull moment. But, believe it or not, there are peaceful moments here. Like this. Where they sit and eat breakfast and laugh at the funny faces Tyler makes.
Uncle Ry ran the Philly marathon this past weekend. Yippee for him finishing 26.2 miles! He did awesome! So, we bundled up, loaded up the stroller and off we went in to the city to cheer him on. The boys had their first train ride to the city! The train was a big hit!
I might have the itch to do a marathon...just a teeny tiny itch that comes and goes though. Dave did the CA International marathon. Ryan did this one and maybe, just maybe one day when my life permits me to train a little they'll be cheering me on too. No promises though. I think the Olympic length triathlon will come first. We'll see. Until then, I will run after the kids and be happy with that :)
Picture overload now...

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