Grammy (my Mom) and Pop Pop (my StepDad), Gram (Dave's Mom) and Pop (Dave's Dad) and GG (Dave's Gram) and then there's Pop in heaven (my Dad) who I talk to Tyler about a lot. GG used to be "Old Gram" until she renamed herself at the age of 95 to "GG".
GG just recently went to a nursing home to help her recover from a sickness. She's lived alone until a few weeks ago and next week will be going to assisted living. We went to visit her the other day and on the way there Tyler told us he was going to take care of her. And take care of her he did. He pushed her around all by himself, sang to her and when we left he tucked her in to bed for a nap. We had a nice visit with her.

And some tractor rides with Pop Pop...
And Pop allows Zac to have a little treat...after all what are grandparents for :)
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