I know I say it often, but he’s such a happy, good baby. He flashes his smile all the time and has the best giggle ever. Over the past month he started consistently sleeping through the night from about 9pm-7am. It's feels like we’ve been given back a small slice of life by having nights with uninterrupted sleep. We do have to wake up and give him his binky some times and then we have the occasional run in to Tyler’s room to address whatever issue he’s having at the moment (cover me up!, bad dream, have to go potty!), but for the most part we sleep. The only thing really making us tired these days is that we're up until midnight every night watching the Olympics, so it's our own fault that we're tired.
He rolls from his belly to his back all the time and has rolled from back to belly once. He’s becoming super aware of his surroundings and checks out all the action that goes on around him. He likes us to hold him in standing position and he’s pretty good at putting weight on his legs and can stand next to something and hold one by himself. He hasn’t started getting his legs stuck in the crib yet, but is moving around a lot in there and I’m sure it’s in our not too distant future. He’s definitely growing fast and some of his 6 month clothes are getting a little snug length-wise on him. He’s at the stage where you can’t eat with him on your lap because he grabs your plate and food all the time. And then everything he does get his hands on goes immediately into his mouth. He practices drinking from a real cup and also from a sippy cup. Tyler is really good at being nice to his brother and I can walk out of the room for a minute and know that Tyler will be fine with him. We can totally see that Zac loves Tyler and sits in his car seat and leans forward staring at his big brother. He watches him like a hawk. Since Zac was born Tyler has called him Zack-ee. So, we find ourselves calling him Zack-ee a lot.
In the past month I also feel like we’ve settled a bit more in to life. Things are just flowing a little easier these days and we’re slowly getting in to a groove of how to handle two kids. It’s still overwhelming though trying to keep up with everything while working full time, but I guess being overwhelmed is the new normal. If I had a maid and chef life would be grand. Until then, we will enjoy our kids every second we can and clean when they go off to college.

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