It also mean thunderstorms, which are a favorite in this house. Since we don't have a covered porch to sit on (my hope is one day to add one on the front), we set up shop in the garage to watch storms. When Tyler hears thunder he now asks to go sit in the garage and watch. We probably look silly, but that's ok. It's fun :)
This picture might be teetering on the redneck fence, I'm ok with that :)
And what better to eat than chicken fries and cheese mixed with chocolate milk...gag.
And it's not Summer until you officially catch your first lighting bug. I've been waiting for this moment where we can catch them with Tyler and he's like an old pro at it. Picture of the first lightning bug that he caught himself. Big moment for us :)
The brothers are kind of starting to play together a little bit. I say play loosely, but I can see a little bond starting to form between them. ♥
And Zac has discovered how fun an exersaucer can be!
When you don't have a diving board, you make one.
It's around in your underwear, lay in the grass and play with the neighbors.
Our neighbors dressed their nephew up with glow sticks...why didn't we ever think of this!
And Zac has also discovered his high chair. He's going to start eating some real food in the next few days and he looks pretty darn excited about it!
He's starting to try and explore a little more...
Bambi came to visit. I was heating up a bottle at 5am one morning and this little guy was saying Good Morning.
Other noteables this week...
Tyler got sick from eating raisins at school on Friday and he threw up. On the way home he and Dave were talking about it and Tyler told Dave "Daddy, it's ok, sometimes these things happen". "I was scared, but I'm ok."
Also, big step in the potty department. Tyler has been dry almost every night this week. I think this weekend we're going to try and rid our house of Size 5 diapers completely and take the full plunge in to sleeping in big boy underwear...stay tuned for the disaster report!
Zac had his 4 month appt on Monday, he's doing great and an update is coming soon. I barely have time to pee...I can't keep up with all of this stuff!
Spent some time at the library singing with Silly Joe. My boys did great for the first 45 minutes and then I had to carry Tyler out while screaming because he couldn't have a toy from the toy cart...good times had by all. I swear one day there will be a post about all of the "fun" stuff that I never write about one here. Don't want my kids reading this one day getting the false impression that this parenting thing is easy!

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