Lots to update about, with very little time to do so. Zac turned 3 months old last Sunday. He's getting more and more lovable by the day. I could just eat him up! He's holding his head up pretty well these days which gives him a nice view of what's going on around him. I catch him watching Tyler a lot. And in the car the other day he was leaning up out of his seat and just staring at Tyler. He loves his big brother. He's also trying really hard to roll over from his tummy to his back, but his arm keeps getting in the way. Once he figures out how to prop himself on his arms and do a mini push up, he'll be rolling over immediately. He's determined. He's eating a little more now and eats about 7 oz. every 4 hours or so. He's also a really good sleeper and we've had a few nights where he's slept completely through the night. He goes to bed around 8:30-9 and sometimes sleeps until 6-6:30. Other nights he'll wake up once anywhere between 3:30-5 for a bottle and then goes right back to bed. Now, all Dave and I need to do is go to bed earlier. But, by time we get the kids to sleep and then get everything ready for the next day like bottles, lunches for all of us, clothes for the kids picked out, my clothes ready for the next day, clean up a little bit, then maybe fit in a run or swim, we then have very little time left for anything other than crashing at 11 at night. You should see the back up of shows on our DVR!
Zac is starting to be really smiley too. He loves the song Wheels on the Bus and gives me a nice loud laugh when I'm singing it (only time will tell if he's laughing at the song or my horrible singing voice). He's also ticklish on his legs and has the best little laugh when you tickle him. So cute! Little dude, you're awesome!
He had his first day of school on Tuesday and did great! And so did Mom :) They said he's a great baby, very calm and content and he's getting lots of cuddles by all the teachers. They're loving him up ♥ First day of school pictures below. And just one for the record, I included Tyler's first day of school picture as well.
On the Tyler front, he officially has all of his teeth. The last of his 2 year molars just poked through. He also gives the best "I love you's" when he's going to sleep. Of course we've always said love you to him, but it's so cool now that he says it back. And when I drop him off at school he yells "Love You" out the window and waits for me to beep at him. In his words exactly, "Mommy, two beeps and five beeps" and that's exactly what I do everyday. The day will come when he doesn't want a kiss or hug when I drop him off, so this morning when he wanted a fish kiss, eskimo kiss and butterfly kiss I soaked it up. Makes me happy. I always like to have time in the morning that I can spend a few minutes with them at school before running out the door. Of course there's some mornings where I'm rushing like crazy, but I like the extra time that's used for kisses, hugs, showing me things and now helping to go to the potty. Oh yeah and we had our first object up the nose incident. He stuck some type of little nut up his nose and we didn't know until he snotted it out a while later. You should have seen the look on mine and our neighbor Alyssa's face when it shot out of his nose. She has a one year old boy and I'm pretty sure it gave her a glimpse of what's to come. This toddler stuff is no joke people :)
Summer weather means ice cream time. Tyler loves to bite the bottom off his cone first, which means ice cream melting out of the cone everywhere. Guess who did this as a kid? Yeah...when they say things come back to bite you in the butt they weren't kidding. Now I know why my Mom only gave us vanilla ice cream when we were little...much less mess :)
The unidentified foreign object shot from the nose. I saved it to show Dave.
On to Memorial Day weekend. We went to a few cookouts, did some swimming and had a relaxing weekend. I got a new road bike and Amy took me on my first ride (about 27 miles) and taught this mountain biker road etiquette and much more about the world of road biking. I managed not to fall off my bike due to being clipped in to my pedals (big fear of mine) and that in itself was a success...thanks Amy! Dad and I got to dust off our old flip cup skills too. Juli, Karen and I whooped Dave, Ben and Ryan in a few games. Us girls can still flip a cup with the best of them! Here's picture overload of some bathing beauties...it was a super hot weekend with heat indexes near 100!
Not sure why, but Tyler never wants to keep his swim trunks on. But then asks to wear them to bed. So he sleeps in them :)

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