Here’s a few things about me nowadays…
I weigh 13 ½ pounds (22%) and I’m just under 25 inches (53%). Doc says that’s good and I’m doing awesome at this growing thing.
My crazy parents keep making me lay on my belly over and over. I’m really trying to roll over. I did it once on Father’s Day and I haven’t done it again. My darn arm keeps getting in the way.
Anything I can reach goes in my mouth now. I’m just getting them ready for when I try to eat all of those yummy looking little things that Tyler leaves around the house.
I also discovered my feet and it won’t be long until I start eating my toes. I’m just waiting for the right moment to dive in.
I sleep pretty good for them. I go to bed very easily and I don’t even have to be asleep when they lay me down. I go to bed around 9 and usually sleep until about 5 o’clock before I’m yelling that I’m hungry. Or some nights I decide to wake up at 4 and others I decide to wake up at 6 to eat. I like to keep them on their toes. It’s a good workout for my Mom and Dad to come into my room a few times to give me my binky too. My Mom says she doesn’t get a lot of time to work out now a days so I try to do my part.
But, this morning, I'm still sleeping and it's almost 7am. Mom says this is a record. My Dad's been away for work this week and Tyler and I decided to finish the week strong and give Mom a good nights rest. A few nights this week we had her running around like crazy from room to room.
I eat a lot now. I drink 8 oz. bottles every 3-4 hours or so. My Mom says I chug bottles like she chugged Keystone Light in college.
I like to watch my brother run around and play. I sit in my car seat and lean forward so I can look at him too. Speaking of my car seat. I’m like Houdini in it. I always manage to get the shoulder strap to slide off my shoulder no matter how tight they make it. Heee hee hee…I won’t divulge how I do that though.
Oh yeah and speaking of my brother. He likes to take my toys when I’m playing with them and my parents always have to tell him to give them back. And he’s always in my face talking to me saying “blah, blah, blah” I think it’s pretty funny and I laugh at him, but my parents tell him to talk to me like he does to his friends. He’s pretty cool though and he gives me kisses all the time. I know he loves me.
I really like to smile and laugh now. I think Pee-a-boo is a pretty funny game and it’s also funny when my Mom pretends to sneeze. Hysterical I tell ya! I’m also ticklish, especially on my legs and belly. You should hear me laugh. They say it’s really cute so I keep doing it.
My parents also like to jump around in front of me and sing and dance sometimes. They’re really funny and sometimes I catch them pretty much standing on their heads trying to get my brother to do things, like brush his teeth. I’m learning lots of good pointers as to what I should give my parents a hard time about in the future. Or maybe I shouldn’t give them a hard time and they’ll call me their golden child. I might be on to something here…
I also like to pull my Mom’s hair, hold on to her necklaces and pull her shirt down for free shows. I prefer to pull her shirt down when we’re in public though. Like when we’re visiting my doctor who is a man, it provides a nice awkwardness in the room. I even pulled it down with my foot the other day for the doctor . Caught her off guard ha ha ha. I laugh quietly about all of this. That’s what you get for making me lay on that table and get shots every 2 months. I also do it at school, but there’s pretty much all women there so she doesn’t care as much…shucks!
I sit in my high chair nicely and I’m working on sitting up on my own now. I like that new exersaucer toy they gave me too. I move my legs like I want to crawl when they lay me on the floor and wave my hands around like crazy so people know I’m laying there. I don’t want to be stepped on.
I talk to everyone too. Sometimes it’s loud screeches and other times I talk quietly to myself. My Mom came to pick me up at school the other day and when I saw her I let out a big screech. I just want her to know I’m starting to recognize my family.
They’re always telling me how cute and sweet I am. I think I might be getting an ego about it. It’s a tough job being so cute. Everyone always wants to hold and cuddle me so I keep playing the part for sure. The proof is in the pudding…