Sunday was a bummer with the news of Joe Paterno passing away. It's strange that for a man most of us have never met, we all somehow felt connected to him. He led a great life, did great things for many people and for PSU and there's lots of happy people in Heaven greeting him. Dave was sitting on the couch watching TV on Sunday and Tyler walked up to him and said "What's wrong Daddy", Dave replied with "JoePa passed away Tyler" and Tyler's response was "Oh". Not that he even remotely knew what that meant, but he somehow knew that Dave was sad.
I was in Target and picked up a Joe Paterno magazine to put in Tyler's keepsake box for when he's older. I got home and realized I'll have 2 kids in a couple weeks so off to Target I went to get Zachary his own magazine along with a Tupperware to start his collection of things. Zac's begins with JoePa.
Monday brought with it a call from daycare that Tyler had a 102 fever. I got the call as I was waiting to go in to my preggo appt. So I had to finish my appt., run back to work and then go get him. Timing of things always happens like this. We've been on quite a streak of not having any sickness or having to come home early from school, so it was only a matter of time before our luck ran out. I picked up a very warm, sleepy boy and after one dose of Advil he was back on his feet playing with Catherine and Joseph that night. Because he had a fever he couldn't go back to school for 24 hours so he got to spend the day home with Dad.
I've been saying for months now that I need to clean our hardwood floors because I never get the chance to. I came home from work and Dave had cleaned our floors on his hands and knees with Old English furniture polish. Let me just say, I'm very grateful to have a husband who cleans and helps and doesn't need to be asked to do things. He's wonderful! But after watching Tyler fall about 5 about times in one hour and making me think he was going to start crawling again as he was losing all confidence in his walking abilities (and me having to hold on to things to just walk around the house) I had to put him back to work and put a coat of Mop n Glow over it because we were going to kill ourselves on the shiny slippery floors! Our floors look great though :) I found this on the Old English web site:

Aunt Jill, Sydney and Alex came down on Friday night and we had pizza fondue night! This is something my Mom used to do with us when we were little and we loved it! Only difference is we use to eat it off of this bright orange 1970's platform on wheels. Now, we use the coffee table. Sydney managed to get in to some red long lasting lip stick and came out of the bathroom looking like a Lady of the Night. Jill and I couldn't get it off her lips and the next morning had to go online to find how to get it off. Olive Oil did the trick!
No matter how many times I see them wear these glasses I laugh hysterically! When Tyler got these Dave laughed at the sticker on them that said something like "For Play only" and he even commented about how funny that someone would actually use them for real when working. One day I found a pair of these "play" glasses in the laundry room and found out Dave had been using them when drilling something in to the floor becasue he couldn't find his real pair. If only I could've got a picture!
Alex, Tyler and I were then off to Harrisburg to visit Erica. If Grammy comes down during the week to watch Tyler Sydney usually comes with her. When Dave and I went to the hospital tour they came down and Alex couldn't because she had school. She gets upset that she doesn't have alone time with us. So, Alex stayed with Tyler and I and we had a great trip on Saturday, got home late Saturday night, we slept in Sunday morning, made some pancakes and then off to drop Alex off so she could go to a birthday party! When I dropped Alex off I realized I hadn't even combed her hair that morning. Maybe that's why God gave me boys. I don't usually get around to combing my own hair let alone someone else's!
This is Tyler's new cheese face
A few quotes from Alex:
I was trying to zip Tylers jacket and he kept sitting on the ground. Alex said "Tyler stand up" and he did. She turned to me and said "I really know how to train kids.
I asked her if she was going to come and help take care of the baby. She said "Yes, cause I know how Uncle Dave is". Trying not to laugh I said well what do you mean by how Uncle Dave is. She said "Oh, he has to go to work and stuff". I wasn't sure what kind of response I was going to get!
Tyler and I finished off our weekend by going to see Anastasia the shark at a local pet shop. It was a big hit and he loved watching her and looking at all of the fish in the store. We plan to go back for shark feeding night!

1 comment:
Alex is already asking when she can come back..."You know mom, without Sydney!" :)
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