I mentioned before that he's a talker. Finally something that he inherited from me. So, a lot of this stuff is around what he's been saying lately.
At his parent/teacher conference back in December his teacher told me he's always asking"What you doing Corrie?". Then he started asking us this all the time. He's really inquisitive and always wants to know what's happening all the time (another handed down from Mom trait)
One night I was on the phone with Aunt Kris and I said "Shut Up, no way. Who would pay $70 for Spiderman sheets!". Well, the next day at school when Dave picked Tyler up they said he's saying "Shut Up". When I heard him say it, most times he would use it in the context I used it in. I opened a book one day and said "Look at those big elephants!" and he got excited and responded with "Shut Up!" Thankfully he seems to have moved on from using this word and we totally have to watch what we say!
The same week he was saying Shut Up, he was also telling them "No Cigar". As if we're closet cigar smokers or something around here. We figured it out that our neighbor smokes smokes cigars and if Tyler tries to touch it he says "No Cigar Tyler".
As you may have seen in a video I posted a few weeks ago, "Ok (otay) Mommy" is one of my favorite phrases he uses.
He says C'mom guys or C'mon girls (when he's calling Alex and Sydney)
He picks up his instruments and says to us "Music Time Everyone!" - must be what his music teacher says at school
One day while he was in the bath he told me "Run Forrest!" - no idea where that came from
Tyler doesn't like to do things for us when prompted. Like say the ABC's or count, but when we put up our Xmas tree, he walked around it and counted from 1-15 (or five-teen in his words). We didn't know he could count that high and his teacher told me he sings the ABC's with his class every morning. This morning he sang most of the song with me, so we're getting there :)
Tyler told me "Love You mommy". Totally unprompted. Melted my heart. He says Love You in response to us saying it, but this time he said it by himself.
He picked up an empty beer bottle in the garage and said "mmmmmm...delicious". Dave and I just looked at each other and laughed.
Says "Amen" after his prayers at night and then he repeats after me and says "Thank you God for my family".
He refers to himself in the 3rd person all the time. "Ty be right back", "Ty needs diaper changed", "Ty ok", "Ty help Daddy fix".
Before we switched to a bed, he would yell "Hey You" in the morning when he woke up. Every since he was little that's what I would say to him. We were in Lowe's the other day and he was yelling "Hey Guy" to some random guy.
He can name and identify basic shapes and colors.
He hunts in our house. With his little broom in hand waving it around and says "Where's that bison?" or "Where's that alligator?". Pretty random animals to hunt for, but oh well maybe one day if we go to Wyoming or Florida we'll actually find one. We might have to stick to deer and bear for now.
The other day he said "Mommy's hair is wet" when I got out of the shower. He also told yelled to me "Mommy, Daddy is going pee!" Just in case I needed to know I guess. He also told me to "Take that coat off." and has said "Excuse me Daddy" when Dave was in his way.
Loves to watch movies. Some of his favorites are: Toy Story, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, Nemo, The Gruffalo, and lately Garfield, which surprises us because it's not really animated it's a pretty normal movie, but that's the one he asks for the most now a days. We're thinking about taking him to see an actual movie pretty soon.
Favorite TV shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Bear and sometimes Sesame Street, but he hasn't been asking for that one as much lately.
He knows Mommy and Daddy's names are Dave and Beth. He doesn't usually call us by our first names, but a few times when he has to say Mommy too many times he's followed it with Beth. He also knows his last name. So, this make me feel good that if he was ever lost or something that he'd probably be able to identify who he is and who we are.
His teachers think he's funny because he's like sponge and whatever they teach him to say he'll say it. That's how he learned our last name. It's always amusing to see what he's going to say to us when we pick him up!
On to some other things...
We had his 2 year appt. this week and he's 27 lbs. 9 oz. (45th percentile) and 35 1/2in. (75th percentile) and the noggin is still the 95th percentile at 20 in. We recently switched doctors so it would be closer to our house and he knows his doctor is Doctor Tomaine and was calling him by name when we were there - really cute! Everything checked out good at the appt. and we can switch to whatever type of milk we'd like now. I think our friends are upset because they use to love coming to our house and drinking whole milk. It was a treat!
He loves pretty much any type of fruit. Not really in to veggies though, but I'm determined to start working on that with him. He eats really well though and still loves cheese, yogurt, pierogies, pizza, chicken nuggets/fingers and lots of other things.
And lastly, the big boy bed is starting to get a little use. He still moves to the floor and sleeps behind the door after we leave the room, but when we go to bed we put him in bed and there's been 3 nights this week where he stayed in bed all night and didn't go back to the floor. Other nights he wakes up at some point in the night and goes back to the floor. No crying or fussing though so we let him be, we've just added a camping pad to the Spiderman sleeping bag for some extra padding.
Some nights Dave will leave the room, wait for him to go to the floor and then will have this conversation as he stands outside the door.
Dave: Tyler you should go in to your bed.
Tyler: No
Dave: Why don't you want to sleep in your bed?
Tyler: Cause
Dave: Are you comfortable?
Tyler: Yes
Short and sweet answers and that's usually the end of it. If I were to stand outside the door and talk to him he'd start crying and yelling for me. It's weird that Dave can sit there and chit chat with him and I can't. When I asked the pediatrician about the floor sleeping he laughed and said no biggie, he's just showing his independence by sleeping on the floor.
And more randomness...
I'm signing up for the Warrior Dash in June with my sister and cousin so I can get my butt back in to gear.
Apparently, Jill informs me that I'm also doing the Wilkes-Barre triathlon with her in August, which is an Olympic length one. We'll see how it goes trying to train while getting use to life with 2 kids, but for now I'm keeping it in my plans to do. Nothing like a little motivation to get back in the groove for sure!
Had to go to the Monday yoga class this week, it was a different teacher and she had us do this "mmmmmm" thing. I don't think I'm the "mmmmmm'ing" yoga type and did everything I could to not laugh and look at Amy because I almost lost it.
We did a hospital tour this past week. Everything has been fine and dandy with pregnancy and as I stood in the labor and delivery room and listened to the nurse explain things it hit me like a ton of bricks - I have to actually GIVE BIRTH TO another baby...yikes! Dave stood there and made inappropriate jokes to me about the delivery table and recalled things that went on during Tyler's birth. Thanks Dave! Good thing is I know how sweet the reward is after you've fought the battle this time! :)
On the way home from the hospital, we both had a little panic moment talking about how fast can one of our Moms make it to our house and what we'll do with Tyler until someone gets here. Thankfully Aunt Juli is down the street and I've officially put her on call even though we have a few weeks left! We realized since my water broke last time, we never had to count a single contraction or wonder should we go to the hospital now or not. Yeah, now we're starting to think of these things. It's getting closer and I'll be asking my doc about the contraction timing thing tomorrow.
We finally got some snow! Just a few inches, but enough for the kids to play in and have some fun! The neighborhood boys were out making their snow park and they moved in to our yard too this time. Tyler didn't want to try on his skis yet so we didn't force it, but he loves watching the boys in the yard. Watching then haul their rails, ramps, and shovels through the yard makes me look forward to the day when my boys are out there doing the same thing!
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