He's also really in to helping especially when it comes to things in the garage and helping fix Dad's Jeep. He loves to play with tools and Dad and Tyler sometimes escape to the garage and "fix" stuff...this is heaven to him!
Last night we made the old switcheroo to Blankie #3. Blankie #2 was getting super smelly and washing it every other day wasn't helping anymore. Once again, he took to the new blankie easily, but this time he made the comment that it's "fluffy". He's totally right and it's much fluffier than his old one since it's brand new, we just have no idea where he pulls these words from, he cracks us up! This time we were smart about it and ordered 2, so we have the backup handy when it's time to make the next switch!
Dave was gone from Sunday until Friday last week and I never like to write that he's gone until he's actually home. He missed Halloween this year :( Of course I ended up having to go to triage a half hour before he had to leave to get his flight so Aunt Juli came to the rescue - thanks Juli! Halloween night our neighbors got the nice spectacle of the pregnant lady running down the street, chasing her kid while pulling a wagon (I did have help from our neighbors who we were trick or treating with - thank goodness!). Did I mention that Tyler actually runs now...and he's really fast. Full speed ahead is an understatement with this kid!
Here's the bump watch at 23 weeks 2 days, which is today. A few hours after this picture we took yet another trip to triage. I have to document all of our triage trips so this little bean knows all about his path to get here. This is trip #4. Everything turned out to be fine with both of us once again :)
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