Saturday, as I'm sure you all know, we had a nice Halloween snow storm come through. Saturday morning we headed out to get Tyler some new snow gear (didn't plan on needing to do that for another few weeks) and he had his fisrt "real" adventure in the snow. I say "real" because last year most of the time the snow was too high for him to walk in and he didn't really get it yet. This time, he was watching it snow out the back door and when it was time to go out and play he liked it and like eating it too! Some boys from down the street were sleigh riding in the yard next door so Tyler got to join in a snowball fight (that Dad initiated) and got to watch some football in the snow (Dad initiated that game also). We can't wait for Winter to arrive!
The snow threw a little wrench in our plans for this weekend because we had tickets to Sesame Place (courtesy of Uncle Paul - thanks!) and of course it was closed on Saturday. So, on Sunday, after little bean and I's 3rd trip to triage to get checked out for the same issues I've been having we headed off to Sesame Place to enjoy the last day they were open for the season. Side note: Baby is doing just fine and the diagnosis is the same as before with a friable cervix. So, we keep pluggin on and by time this dude arrives they're going to have my name in flashing lights on one of the triage rooms. I like to consider myself VIP there ;) Sesame Place was really cool and our neighbors went along with us. Right when we got there the parade was beginning so we got to see a bunch of Tyler's favorite characters. We went through some mazes, rode the carousel and saw Abby Cadabby's Halloween show where they sang the Transylvania Polka (yes, only in PA do the sesame street characters polka!). It was very cute!
On to Halloween...this year was a bit of a struggle with Tyler's costume. We got Tyler a cookie monster outfit about a month or so ago and by time he actually tried it on, which was a week ago, I realized it was too small for him and that he was not so thrilled about putting a furry blue outfit on. Last year, we could have put anything on him and he wouldn't have cared, but one year later oh how things have changed. So, back the drawing board and a trip to Target later I come home with: Elmo, Superman and Spiderman. I raided the store of all 2T costumes they had left knowing he'll have to agree to one of them. He went for Superman! Now, we're left with the cookie monster outfit because I didn't get to return it on time. Note to our next little will be cookie monster in about a year or 2 whether you like it or not :) Halloween morning Tyler had his parade at school followed by his school party. He enjoyed the day!
Halloween night, Tyler trick or treated with the neighbors and once he figured out that you get candy by knocking on someone's door this kid was in it full force! We visited about 10 houses and Katherine and Joseph (our neighbors) helped Tyler by showing him the ropes. Every piece of candy he got he wanted opened immediately (and he even offered some people his candy) and he ended up eating candy for dinner last night. I had to ask my neighbor Michelle if she thought he was going to puke from all the candy and she reassured me that it's Halloween and he's a kid! So, I let him be just that...a kid who ate too much chocolate on Halloween, enjoyed himself tons with running to different houses and zonked out when we got home as if he had just ran a marathon! He woke up this morning and asked me for candy ha ha's now hidden my sweet boy, we will eat it in moderation :)
First time eating candy corn...I think I'm the only person who doesn't like candy corn!
Checking out the candy he got Trick or Treating at school
Here's a quick video of Superman for your enjoyment :)
Must be in our blood becuase I hate candy corn too!
Superman was a good choice! You could see the personality growing in his face in recent pictures. Now, you can see it in his body language. He really is a big man!
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