It's been a while. We've been busy. I've been tired. By the time I'm ready to write a post I'm asleep on the couch by 9pm. Gotta write fast tonight because I'll be sleeping in 10 minutes :)
I've been debating what to write about PSU. What do I want to tell our kids on here (since ultimately this is for them). Our kids aren't old enough to even know what's happening, but in time I'm sure it will come up and we'll talk to them about it then. We pray to God for the victims and their families that were affected by this lame excuse for a man. This is by no means what PSU is all about. We continue to sport our Blue and White, remembering that one mans actions doesn't make up this wonderful place.
Now, on to happier things...
Now that it's getting dark earlier, we are totally missing our outside time after work. So, we still go outside, but we're armed with flashlights and we go "hunting". Tyler hunts in the bushes for rabbits and frogs (and lions, cheetahs and bears)! He usually finds all of the above :)

We had our first real play date last weekend with some of Tyler's friends from school. We got a call from Kavi's Mom asking if we wanted to meet up at this great cafe that's a playhouse too. So we met up with Kavi, Shane and their Moms and had a fun morning. Can't wait to do it again!

When we got home from our play date, Erica, Nichole and the kids came to visit. I love when we get to hang out. We made two trips to the park, the girls played in the basement, little guys played upstairs, we got in some great chit chatting and we had a really fun day. Owen and Tyler were wild together. They practiced their shooting on the counter tops, danced and jumped off coffee tables, and when it got dark they all went hunting for rabbits and frogs.

We also went big boy bed shopping this past weekend. We plan on moving Tyler's bedroom stuff in to the baby's room and giving Tyler the double bed from our spare room (soon to be baby room). We're going to let him pick out what he wants to decorate his room with and our guess is it'll be Toy Story and Spiderman stuff (and ski stuff)! Uncle Ryan got Tyler another cool ski poster this time signed by Cody Townsend, he's a professional skier. Thanks Ry! He also got one for the little bean! We went shopping for bed frames at Ikea...we think he found one he likes!

Grammy and Sydney came to stay with us for 2 nights this week because Dave and I took a CPR class on Tuesday night. They got to join us yesterday at school for Thanksgiving lunch. No pictures from that b/c our child wouldn't sit down to eat :) We also fit in some swimming at the Y, pizza night and a trip to the pet store. Dave said Tyler was crying on his way home from school today when he found out Sydney wasn't here anymore :( They'll be back next week for Thanksgiving!

And, remember the smooth transition to the new blankie. Well, it actually ended up not being so smooth. He's older and smarter this time around when it came to the switcheroo. He went to bed and slept thru the night just fine, but he wouldn't suck on the new blankie so it resulted in some really early mornings around here. After several mornings of waking up at 5am or even before that (and figuring out it wasn't the time change causing the crazy wake up time), we decided that it's not worth it and gave back the old one. Might be a parenting fail for us, but we're back to sleeping until 7-7:30 on the weekends and life is good for all of us :) We'll be waking up at crazy times soon enough with the next little bean. So I just did some extra scrubbing of the smelly blankie and for all I care he can take it to college with him if it makes him happy. After all, I'm 31 and my Mom gave me my blankie back about a year ago. Yep, you bet I'll save his blankies so I can give it to him 30 years from now too :)
Tyler has also been introduced to matchbox cars. Our neighborhood has lots of kids in it. Every once in a while, we get a knock on the door and the neighbor kids are handing down some of their toys to Tyler. So sweet of them (I'm sure their parents are more than happy to clear things out) and this time we got a bin of cars! Jackpot!

We also got a new maid. He's pretty good except he's using our mop as a bat/sword and when he's not doing that he's riding it like a horse.