Last week we had more record rain and by the end of the week it brought with it some devastating flooding to many areas in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. The worst flood we had was in 1972 when hurricane Agnes flooded many areas. Growing up in Mocanaqua (living along the Susquehanna River), we knew who Agnes was and people referred to her as if she was a resident. It was the worst flood the area ever saw and people still refer to things as "Was that before or after the flood". It was the worst flood until last week. These pictures speak for themselves as to the damage that was done in Mocanaqua. Looking at them makes me feel guilty for worrying about a little water that seeps in to our laundry room. There's a house only a few miles down the street from us that has everything on their lawn because it's ruined. In some other places, you could barely see the roof of a house sticking out of the water.
We are SO thankful that all of our family and friends affected are safe - that is the most important part as houses can be rebuilt. So we pray that everyone whot got flooded is able to get back in their houses, figure out a plan for clean up and have the strength to make it through this difficult time.
This is my Grandparents house. Even though we sold it a few years ago, it will always be their house in my mind. :(

One of my relatives houses.

This is a friends house that I grew up with.

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