Answers to some things that everyone has been asking us...
Yep, we're going to find out what we're having (remember? I don't like surprises). Our 20 week appointment is Oct. 14. And yes, we will tell people once we find out :)
Nope, we don't have a preference. All we want is a healthy baby!
We have a girl name picked out and have had one for years. For boys, we have a few we like, but need to keep on looking. Once we find out what we're having we'll also let you all in on the baby name too :)
When we ask Tyler if he's having a brother or sister, he always says brother. But, when we ask if it's a boy or a girl. He usually says girl.
I didn't really make a prediction with Tyler as to what I thought I was having. For this one, the only thing I can go by is how I feel and how my belly is growing and if that's the case, then I'd say boy.
Every since I found out I was pregnant I have this horrible fear of my water breaking at work. If I didn't work at home when I was pregnant with Tyler, my water would've broken at work - oye vey...pray for me :)
My cravings so far have been cotton candy and Caesar salad (which I ate all the time with Tyler) other than that I want to drink gatorade alot!
With Tyler, I was pregnant with Kourtney Kardashian and Kendra Wilkinson. This time, 3 of my friends are pregnant and due in the same week! Much better! Oh yeah and Beyonce has decided to join the 4 of us in this journey too :)
On to the big guy...
The other morning as I was getting out of the shower Tyler was yelling for me to come get him out of his crib. I yelled to him and said I'll be there in a minute and he responded with "Run, Run!"
The next morning, when I went in to get him I said Good morning and he told me "Poop!" - nice morning greeting.
We were in the car the other day and he wanted to hand me something, I reached my hand back to get it and he handed me a booger!
He's getting really good at saying Please and Thank You. At his 18 month appt. he thanked the nurse for measuring his head. He sometimes needs a little prompting for Please, but usually says Thanks on his own.
My new favorite thing that he says is "There it is!"
He went pee on the potty the other night! First, he started going in the hallway (something he seems to like to try and do when he's naked after the bath) and when we said to go to the potty he hopped on and went!
He picked up the word mean somewhere, so when you tell him he can't do something or do something he doesn't like, he tells you you're mean - ugh!
His last 4 teeth (the eye teeth) are coming in all at once at the moment. He's always been pretty good with teething, but now I know their hurting him because he tells us when his teeth hurt :(
So much for me not liking to count Tyler's age in months, check out these emails I get. Really...86 weeks old?

Dave ran in the Spartan Race last weekend. Looked pretty brutal. 2.5 miles running straight up a ski slope, add in another 2.5 miles and some pretty crazy obstacles and my view from the ski lift as I brew the next little spartan was very nice. It was Tyler's first ride on a ski lift and he loved it! My sister also ran it and we're going to run it together next July to kick my butt back in to things :)
Donating shoes to charity :)
And this past weekend, I went to see Alex perform in her first national gymnastics day - she did so awesome!
This is serious business...I'm not sure what she was channeling here...
We went to Community day in our town and got to play in a real fire truck - huge hit!
Our family picture for the family tree at school :)
Lastly, Dave and I entered this century and both got smart phones this past week. So, if I've called you 10 times in one day and then hung up it's because I'm still trying to figure out how to use the stinking phone. Or if you texted me and I never responded it's because my phone died twice last week, which prompted us to bite the bullet and upgrade :)
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