This past Sunday, Dave, our friend Ryan and our neighbor Ben and I ran in the Broad Street Run. It's the largest 10 mile race in the country and 30,000 people ran this year. We didn't plan on doing it, but Ben had some friends who signed up and couldn't run so we decided (on a whim) that we'd do it. It was kind of a way for me to test myself since I don't work out like I use to and working out now consists of running after a toddler! This new workout must be working because we finished right in the middle of the pack in 1hr and 35 min. It felt great to get out there and run! We don't have any pictures...all we came home with was some sunburn, sore legs, a medal and memories :) Our friend Juli watched Tyler for us that morning (thanks Juli!) and when we got home Tyler was saying Gaga and doing the monster thing with his hands that Lady Gaga fans do! Julie loves Lady Gaga and taught him a new trick - I love it! Hopefully I can get it on video along with him saying his newest words "Love You" :)
Things are getting pretty disgusting in the food department with Tyler. He's starting to experiment and mix, dip and do all kinds of stuff with his food. The other day he was dipping bananas in ranch dressing and today he was dipping pizza in peach yogurt. I don't like to mix my food or let alone have it touch on my plate so he must have got this one from his Dad ;)

When Tyler wakes up before I'm done getting ready for work, he lays in our bed, eats a morning snack, drinks milk and watches cartoons...ahhh here's Prince Tyler livin the life!

Sporting his new Phillies hat from our neighbor. She got it for her son, but it didn't fit so they passed it on to us.
1 comment:
Holy buckets, Beth- are you kidding me? You guys killed those 10 miles- good job! I laughed out loud at Tyler's new found love of dipping- I like the picture too, yum:)
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