- Rides his little car down the driveway, loves going on wagon rides to the ice cream shop and loves his new basketball hoop
- Still loves dogs and lets out the biggest squeal of excitement when he sees one. He has lots of dog friends on our street and that's good because I highly doubt he'll ever get one of his own - we'll just pretend those dogs are ours
- He's forever exploring in the yard. He likes to water the plants and can roam around for hours just picking up branches, leaves, garden tools or anything else that is in his path.
- Feeds himself with a fork pretty well. We're working on the spoon because he likes to turn it upside down and then everything falls off.
- Is a definite social bug and says Hi and Bye to everyone!
- We had our first public puke incident this past weekend to ring in his 16 month bday. We were at the The Gap and he was coughing so hard he threw up all over himself, me and the floor...right next to the table with white pants on it (insert this bullet point in to Joys of Parenthood category). We're happy the cough is now gone.
- He has lots of words now and here's some of our favorites: basketball (bat-ball), Elmo (melmo), down (because he uses this deep voice when he says it), love you (wuv wu), Pop (making his Grandpas happy with this one), bubbles, Rae (a 3 year old girl at school...he's in to older women), Ry-Ry and his attempt to say Wyatt (which sounds something like Whhyyyyy).
- Funny thing is he still won't say the word Dog. All he'll do is bark when we ask him to say it. I'm hoping by time he's 18 he'll finally break down and say it because I'm not sure if they'll let a barking kid in to college. I guess we have some time to work on it :)
- Gives lots of high fives and fist bumps! And likes to give bumps to our neighbor Jake :) He loves trying to do what Jake is doing, but Jake is 10 so it doesn't always work out!
- We were on the swing the other day and I was counting to 3 so I could jump off and when I said 1, he said 2!
- I think we had our first talking back moment. At school Tyler had 2 toys and I guess there's a rule where they can only have 1 at a time. The teacher told him that he could only have 1 toy and he told her "No - 2"!
Shootin some hoops

Enjoying an OJ ice pop!

Tonight at dinner Dave and Tyler had a pretty intense tug of war game with a plate. He isn't crying in the last picture, that's his game face :)

We got him a set of golf clubs today and he took one putt and then it was on to club swinging...that makes more sense since we're not much of a golfing family

Enjoying an OJ ice pop!
Tonight at dinner Dave and Tyler had a pretty intense tug of war game with a plate. He isn't crying in the last picture, that's his game face :)
We got him a set of golf clubs today and he took one putt and then it was on to club swinging...that makes more sense since we're not much of a golfing family
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