I was at work yesterday morning and out of nowhere I started to have some bleeding. I called my doctor and they told me I needed to go to the the Triage at the hospital. So, in a state of panic, fear, and teary eyed mess I drove to the hospital. Once I got there and got settled the first thing they did was check the baby's heartbeat. It took the nurse what felt like 10 days to find the heartbeat and when she finally did it was like hearing your baby cry for the first time. The heartbeat was a strong 160, which made me feel so-o-o relieved. The Nurse Practitioner gave me an exam and determined that the bleeding was coming from the outside of my cervix and had nothing to do with the baby. Everything having to do with the baby looked perfect. She said it was fragile cells on the cervix/a friable cervix and she sees about one person a week with this. She said we'd also do an ultrasound just to get a peek at the baby and I'm RH negative so they ordered me some Rhogam just as a precaution. She did the ultrasound and I got to watch our bean flip flop all over and by the looks of it he/she is following in their brothers footsteps because this kid is active! The Nurse practitioner and all the nurses were so awesome and they reassured me everything was great and she didn't think this should happen again.
Once all that was done I got to watch some TV and take a little snooze while I waited for the Rhogam to come. They have to spin/make it for you when you get it so it took a while. As I waited, I listened to some women who were in labor, had some flashbacks about being in labor, thought about the fact that I'll be in labor again in a few months and thanked God that I was walking out of the hospital with a healthy baby in my belly ♥
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