We had new camps, beach trips, vacation, and everything else that could possibly be done.
Tyler brought home the archery award from camp this year along some some new swimming skills and the coveted blue band at the pool that lets you jump off the diving board. Zac started the summer with his swimmie on and in true Zac fashion decided to take it off one day and just start swimming. And that he did.
Sea Isle once again delivered on one awesome vacation with awesome people!
School has started and we are back in full swing around here. We have soccer for both Tyler and Zac and Tyler has been going to a baseball clinic on the weekends too. We had Jill's bachelorette to the Finger Lakes where we rented a 15 person van and Dave drove 9 wine drinking women around all day...good times!
Aunt Jill's wedding is next week and fall is in the air!
I can't even track the order of these pictures below, so it is what it is...my anxiety level of needing to put new pictures up reaches a new high every now and then. Even though there might not be as many words anymore in here the boys can still take their life in through pictures :)
Let's begin with a little celebration of when you're told you can get an ice cream when it's 9pm...he kills me.

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