Then Spring comes. I look out at our yard, everything is starting to bloom, the sun hits the yard perfectly every morning, bird chirp from 4 am on and even though, at times, I wish the birds could wait a bit longer to start chirping (since I don't like to wake up at 4 am) I can't help but love this time of year. There's something about how fresh it feels after a long winter that makes you appreciate seasons so much.
And just like that it warms up for good. We have kids running all over the neighborhood, friends yelling loudly down the street for each other, screams heard, games of tag, ghost in the graveyard, sprinklers out, swing set playing, and running around any chance they get. They come inside for the night covered in dirt and you know it's a good day. This morning, Tyler ate breakfast on the patio and yelled for his buddy next door until he heard him and they played before we left for school. It's that time of year. The time when one minute you're sitting around and the next minute you find 15 people at your house having an impromptu cookout where neighbors pull whatever we have on hand together to enjoy drinks and dinner while kids play.
Almost 5 years ago Dave and I moved in to this house. We bought it blindly without knowing much about where we just spent a ton of money. I always wanted to give my kids the opportunity to grow up in a neighborhood like I did. We were free to roam, ran to each others houses, everyone gathered, talked at the curbs, waved to each other and welcomed kids running through backyards. Unknowingly, we found it. We found the place where we all play happily and it's glorious I tell ya and I wouldn't have it any other way. This village rocks!
Some spring news....Zac has been a maniac on his bike, riding steps, hills or whatever else gets in his way. He's obviously been watching Tyler and waiting for his moment to shine. I have vidoes I'll post when I get them from Dave's phone. The Tizer's returned from London as a family of four. We are so excited they're back and we have a lot of catching up since we missed two summers together :)
Can't wait to see what this summer holds and here's to making this summer the best one yet!

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