Where do I begin? I last left off where we were outside enjoying and I guess we're still doing exactly that. Tball is winding down, the pool is opening this weekend and summer is almost here.
For Mother's Day this year we did something that made my heart super happy. We went to the batting cages! I honestly could sit there for an hour and hit balls. It was so much fun and Tyler got in there an took a few swings too. He was hesitant at first so we told him he didn't need to go in. The slowest cage is 40 mph so they come in pretty fast for a 5 year old. After I went once he decided he'd give it a try as long as I stood in there with him. Three swings later and he was asking how many more tokens we had because he wanted to go again and come back every weekend. And he actually hit a few balls. So proud of him! Zac desperately wanted to go in and brought his big orange bat with him but we told him next time he could try knowing that people might think we're crazy if we put our 3 year old in there. But he wants to do it so we'll let him try next time :)
We finished Mother's Day with a bike ride to go fishing for a bit, then came home to steak on the grill for dinner. Awesome day spent with my awesome boys ♥
Dave and I went away to a mountain bike festival last weekend and Gram watched the kids. We are super thankful for these Gram's and Pops who will let us get some time away. It was so great to get on a bike and ride and I demoed an $8500 bike yikes it rode really well though :)
We came home on Sunday and found a deer tick on Tyler's face and when we plucked it a piece of the tick was left in there. I spent 4 hours in the ER with him to get it removed and he was such a trooper. Tick removed and now we watch for a rash and call the doc if one appears...ugh :( Dave's phone broke because it got wet and Zac's fish died both minor things but Zac cried for days and we finally flushed Grover on Wednesday night. Dave jetted off to Montana for work at 5am Monday morning and it was a heck of a week.
We're all happy for this long weekend!