I have no clue where the past 5 years went. Somehow we have a 5 year old who everyday seems like he's getting older. There's so much to say about Tyler I'm not sure where to start. He's so sweet, kind, caring, funny and can be also be a firecracker when he wants to be. He has tons of energy. He always has. He loves reading, playing outside, fighting bad guys with his many weapons, watching tv and the ipad and America's Funniest Home Videos is topping out as one of his favorite shows these days. Lately, he's been really great at trying new foods for us. He eats really great anyway and eats a variety of food, but recently he's had Cheeseburgers, turkey tacos, chicken tacos, and roast beef he's expanding his palette :) He's a smart cookie and a great big brother.
For his birthday he asked for a drum set and zombie strikeblade. He also asked to go to Scoogies to eat and to have a candy cake. So that's what we did on his actual birthday. The weekend before his birthday Uncle Richard was visiting and brought him a cake, then we had his actual birthday celebration, then Alex and Sydney got to spend the whole weekend with us and he's having a birthday party with friends this coming Saturday that he's sharing with his friend Kyle because their born 2 weeks apart. One lucky kid.
And I'm one lucky Mama to have this boy as my son. Love you to piece Buddy ♥

Happy birthday Tyler!!!! Love you!
Happy very belated birthday Tyler!! (Gosh it's almost Zac's turn at this point ...) I remember when I first saw you, you were a baby in your Mom's arms. You will rock age 5, I just know it ... see you soon dude!! xoxo Ben Karen and Juliet
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