I just don't want to give them a false sense of reality so let me begin...
Last Wednesday, my radio in my car froze. Nothing would work and the display stayed one, even when they car was off. I asked Dave about it and he said it shouldn't kill my battery. Friday morning, I was already running late getting the kids to school. We got out the door, got buckled in, I went to start the car and nothing. Ugh. I had a 9:30 meeting that goes for 2 hours and I have to be involved and talking. It was 8:30. No problem just gotta get them to school somehow.
I get the kids out and we start walking to Katie's house so I can ask to borrow her car. As we're walking down the street another neighbor, Jen, stops and asks if I need a ride and if everything is ok. I explain to Jen what's going on and she said we could hop in her van and she'd take us after she dropped Brendan off at school. Brendan wouldn't get on the bus that morning so she was now taking him to school.
I have Zac on my hip and Tyler next to me and I tell them to get in Jen's van. They know her. Tyler wouldn't budge. He wanted me to go in first. As I try to crawl across Kayleigh (who was in the middle row) with Zac attached to my hip he starts screaming. Clinging to me for dear life (as if I'm trying to throw him in to cage of lions) refusing to get in the car and Tyler then decides he's not getting in either. Ok Breathe. Jen is trying to entice them with Scooby Doo movies that she'll put on for them if they get in. Nothing. Zac is having a fit. I put him down and tell Jen to just go and I'll walk to Katie's and just get her car. Zac is now laying in the road in a pile of leaves screaming. Great.
Jim our other neighbor pulls up behind Jen and we're now a small disaster on the street. Everyone pulls away. We continue walking. Mind you Katie only live about 4 houses away.
We get to Katie's. Walk in and she she says Jackson missed the bus this morning. She's trying to get her 3 out the door while trying to convince Brennan to put his shoes on instead of rain/snow boots. I get Brennan's shows switched. We plan on taking Jackson to school then going to daycare to drop Tyler, Zac and Brennan off. Good plan. We get to the car and realize we're not all going to fit.
Katie leaves us at her house while she runs to drop Jackson off. She'll loop back around and get us when she's done. I tell her Jen is going to swing by too on her way home and see if Zac will get in the car. We sit in her driveway and wait. It's 30 degrees, the kids are playing but nicely reminding me their hands are cold. I get it I wasn't wearing a coat. Blood pressure cuff would've been good at this point.
Jen pulls up. She tells us to try and get in again and we'll take her home and just take her van. Good plan except Zac still refuses to get in the van. Good thing I'm an experienced alligator wrestler. I wrangle him in the front seat with me as he screams and shove Tyler in the back of the van. We drop Jen and Kayleigh off and get the kids strapped in to their seats. Only thing is they just have a booster so Zac had to be seat belted in with the booster. We were driving one mile I wasn't very concerned at this point.
Katie asks where I am. She's on her way back to get me. Oh gosh she didn't get my text that Jen swooped us up first!
Zac is still screaming. We're driving and Tyler starts yelling "Mooooomm, he's out of his seat". Yep, he's standing on the seat in the back as I'm driving. We had about 15 seconds left to drive and I couldn't pull over. So we drive. We finally get to daycare and I drop them off. I zoom back to Jen's house, drop the van off and run home. It's about 9:25. I made it in time for my meeting and feel like I ran a marathon. Now, time to start my day. Phew.
I have awesome neighbors. I do.
The moral of the story. Don't listen to your husband when he says your battery won't die.
And one more thing to share on here. This next picture will go up at Zac's wedding. You can count on it. We took the grandkids to get pictures for Gram DePolo. There's a reason we've never taken Zac to get professional pictures. I just know it wouldn't be good. We get to the place for pictures and Zac wakes up he's been sleeping in the car. No bueno.
They call us to get the pictures and Zac will only take a picture if I'm in it. We try everything to get him to stand with the boys alone. Nothing is working. Gram needs a picture. Crap.
Dave suggests that the women cover me up with a backdrop that's the same color as the one she's using. She thinks that's a good idea to try and I'm not sure if she picked up that Dave was kind of kidding. Either way we'll try it.
I sit on a chair and she covers me up with the blanket and says to lean back as far as I could. Dave, Kris and Kyle's friend have lost it at this point laughing so hard and I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard at what was happening. I was sweating. People are looking at us, other photographers are staring...hysterical. Dave is snapping pictures and getting told he can't take pictures by the photographer. Come on lady, wouldn't you want this picture in your kids baby book too?

1 comment:
Omg dying laughing!!! Love it!
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