Tyler is obsessed with Oxy Clean. He sees the commercial in the morning and one day we were in the store and he was begging me to get it. He stood next to the Oxy Clean and was like Mom there it is! And begged me as if it was candy that he wanted. He even recites the commercial and what it can do. weirdo.
Jill and I took thes went to Knoebel's a few weeks ago and it was so much fun. Zac and Tyler both loved the Whip. The laughter that came out of them was the best sounds ever. I wish I could have got a video.
The summer weather has been absolutely, positively amazing. We haven't used our AC in over 2 weeks.
We did the Wilkes-Barre triathlon on Sunday. It was another good one although our training this year wasn't so good. I rolled my ankle early June and it's still giving me trouble so I didn't have a ton of time to train and Dave had a little stomach bug the entire weekend. We both were slower than last year, but we did it and it was fun. The weather was great, it poured from 4-6am, then the skies cleared up and by time we began the swim the sun was peaking out over the mountains. Chilly, but good. I thought I did really well in the swim and ended up finishing 7 minutes later than last year, which is crazy to me and I'm not ever going to be satisfied with that. I swam well, kept my stroke, my breathing was great and somehow I was slower?? Next year I will get you lake. I got 2nd in my age group and I ran with the girl that finished ahead of me and kept her going then at the end she said to me let's sprint. I had nothing left, absolutely, positively nothing and she got me by 3 seconds. Next year I move to a different age group where the woman just get better with age. I pray that same happens to me! Dave came in a few minutes later and looked like a ghost when he crossed the finish line. He stomach still wasn't feeling well, but he did it too and we'll return next year to kick it a little more.
Another winner this weekend was Tyler! He ran his first race on Saturday. It was the Wilkes-Barre triathlon future triathlete race. He ran a half mile in 4:48 and finished first in his age group. You should have seen him when they called his for first place, it was priceless. He was so excited!
On to lots of pics that have been snapped by nothing more than my phone all summer.
First though, a little ninja warrior action.

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