T-ball started on Saturday. Opening day, the day that I clearly remember for years and years of my life.
Tyler woke up Saturday morning, came downstairs, stood in the doorway of the kitchen and said to me with his arms in the air "I'm ready for my parade! And I'm going to wear my Batman pajamas!". He was excited.
We got to the parade and there were lots of boys and handful of girls running around soaking up the sun, getting ready for the excitement of baseball season. It was the absolute perfect Spring morning. One where you watch the sun high in the sky, hear the birds chirping, and thank God that Spring has finally arrived. We paraded to the baseball fields, where they did a little talking then had one of the little leaguers sing the National Anthem. The kid belted it out in a not so perfect pitch, but it didn't matter because that's exactly what that morning is all about.
Tyler's team practiced for a little, then played a game. He met 7 new friends, learned a new chant and had fun. He learned how to chomp the ball (field a grounder), play catch with friends and had his first at bat ever. My Mommy heart was so full that day watching my little guy get out there and play and most of all watching his first at bat. I really almost cried. Little League was so much fun for me as a kid. I hope he can make as many good memories out there as I have for himself. So, we have our first game under our belts and it was a success. After the game his coach told me "He's got a really good swing" to which I responded "He got that from his Mom". hope he has fun this season and we remind him that's what's most important.
After his game, we watched our neighbor Matt's game for a while and that's when I had the most eye opening moment I've had in a long time. Matt is about 10 or 11 and the kids love him. We sat down in the dirt behind home plate to watch. The first batter of the game came up and the kids in the dugout yelled and screamed with tons of excitement "Go Austin!", "Come on Austin!" and the pitcher threw obvious ball after ball and intentionally walked him. First batter, first game of the season and an intentional walk...what?? As he ran down to first base, he smiled so big from ear to ear, but also ran a little slower and wasn't zipping down there like I would imagine. Austin had a disability of some sort. The next batter came up, first pitch and Austin stole second, next pitch he stole third, and next pitch was a "wild" pitch and Austin stole home. And at that point my tears that almost came out when Tyler had his first at bat readily came down my face. The excitement from the dugout was so awesome. Those 10-11 year old boys were yelling for him, giving high fives with some "that was awesome!" coming out of their mouths as he came in to the dugout. Austin said "I stole every base!" Every kid in that game had their heart in it so Austin could do what he just did. I don't know this kid, or any of the other kids on that field other than our neighbor, but for a moment, I could only hope that one day that's my kids out there making someone else feel good and taking time to give someone the chance they deserve.
So our Little League sold me right then and there. Forget if our kids play for one season or ten, but they are teaching these kids things that matter and that it's not all about the game and that's what matter most.

Tear! Omgosh such a heart warming story!! And way to go T!
This almost made me cry. I love how you started it too. Cue the unicorns...haha!
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