If I had to sum Zac up it would be 90% chill, goes with the flow and 10% I'm two and can freak out with the best of them. He's cuddly, squishy and I can eat him up. He's adventurous and a dare-devil, but cautious at the same time. He's a Daddy's boy for sure. Everything is about Dada! This makes life interesting since Dave leave before Zac wakes up in the morning, so usually we have a brief 3 minute fit when it's me that comes in the room to get him. Good thing is I know this all passes.
We had his well visit yesterday and he threw a fit when they tried to weigh and measure him. I had to do a weigh in with him and that was lovely. We had to measure him twice so I'm not quite sure if the height is really a good one to go by here, but oh well we'll get this down next year for sure. Other wise, he's happy and healthy and nothing too exciting came from the checkup. That's how we like it. He weighed 25lbs 12.7oz (23%) and is 33.5 inches (27%) and his head is 19.5 in (72%).
He still like to eat his fruit and veggies...and chicken. It's a win in the veggie department with him for sure. Yogurt, cheese, crackers, popcorn, peanuts, but no sandwiches. He'd eat pancakes for every meal if we let him and can house 10 chicken nuggets if you catch him on a good day.
He's starting to talk a lot more and is starting to put words together like 'me too', 'ice-water-please', followed by 'thank you'. His teachers say he has great manners. His reports from school are that he's a good boy and he listen's well. He is a good listener and I like it.
He wants to do everything Tyler does, like everything. I open the car door and Zac gets in himself and gets up in his seat. He tries to buckle his car seat and will follow his brother wherever he goes. He drinks only from a cup because that's what Tyler does. He goes and sits on the potty and although he doesn't do anything while he's on it he thinks he's awesome for being on the potty. It's cute. They play together and they fight together, they yell and scream and run and shout, steal toys from each other, and then hug and lay together on the couch like buddies. He's the pea his brother needed for the pod.
Zac can throw a ball like a champ. He put his fingers on the laces before he throws a football and dribbles a soccer ball like he knows what he's doing.
This past week he started climbing out of his crib with the utmost grace. He gets out in .3 seconds. Thankfully, he only did it twice one night and hasn't done it again. We are in no rush to get him out of the crib.
For Zac's birthday we took him to Burger King where he could eat chicken nuggets and fries and play in the indoor play area. Heaven I tell ya. We came home and ate some cake and opened some presents. He got a shopping cart, Don't spill the beans the game, twister and a car that you can take apart and put back together.
Now I get why my Mom still calls us here babies, because no matter how old you get in your Mom's eyes you'll always be a baby. Zac, I hope this year brings us continued excitement and adventure. You rounded this circus out perfectly and have kept up like no other with our adventures and I can't wait to see what this next year holds for us! Love you buddy!
On to some pictures, but since he never sits still and turns his head when you want a picture this is the best I could do!
Oh and he loves to shovel, the shovel comes inside, outside and in the car sometime :)

1 comment:
Happy birthday to Zac! Um BTW he looks so much like Tyler in some of those pictures, esp the ones where he's blowing out his candles. It's hard to believe Zac and Juliet are both two. Miss you guys!
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