Me: No, it's an Italian hoagie. When did you learn about American hoagies?
Tyler: Last time I went to America
Fair enough...
This past week, Zac threw one of the worst fits I've ever seen. It involved madness that Daddy wasn't there in the morning when he woke up and lasted for a good half hour. He ended up naked, pretty much standing on the front stoop, waving a diaper in his hand screaming 8am. Yeah, that's the 10% I was talking about where he can go apeshit in a minute. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
Right before I sat down to finish this up, Tyler flew from the top of our stairs straight down them with one of the biggest thumps I've heard in a long time and ended in a face plant on the floor at the bottom. That makes 3 trips for Zac and 1 for Tyler down the stairs. Good Lord please help us we didn't even get to 5 yet. Tyler reenacted it for us in a dramatic fashion since neither Dave or I saw what happened and kept saying "I can't believe Zac fell down the stairs and now I did too."
On to happier things...
BounceU fun...Zac and Nash are getting in to it. They love it!
And a little bit of Tyler singing some Miley while going potty
Lots of yo-yoing these days with the weather. One day it's warm, the next day it's freezing. Either way, we're fighting through it and making the most of this almost, we know you'll be here soon spring weather. The sun has been shining bright though and you could feel its warmth now that it's March and it's so darn nice. The ice cream shops opened last week so we rode our bikes down and froze and ate ice cream, still very yummy. I've gotten back in to the running groove and I'm trying for 10 miles/week to start and hopefully get biking and swimming in consistently so I can kick the tri's butt this year. Wishful thinking with the time we have to train, but I like to improve every year. Zac thinks it's fun to be lifted on my legs so I guess that counts as exercise too right? He thinks it's awesome. Any bit counts.
When the snow finally melted we were able to see the damage the winter has done to our yard. Dave whipped out the chain saw yesterday and we cut down and cleared some trees. He was gone on a little excursion with Ryan today and I decided to tackle the pine trees that were down. We now have lots of wood for summer fires in the yard and 14 bundles of trees to leave at the curb to get picked up. I can see the tippy top of the tulips I planted in the fall and the Daffodils are peeking through as well. Signs of Spring right there with the sound of birds chirping early in the morning makes me smile. That's the glory of experiencing seasons...there really is beauty in every one!
And today Tyler asked if he could write on our "Today I'm Thankful For" chalkboard. He said "I want to write I'm thankful for Mom". You melt my heart kid.