It's not that I don't have much to say about him because I do, but he's still the same kind of kid. He goes with the flow, follows Tyler everywhere he goes, tries to climb everything, is going to give me grey hairs and is the best cuddler ever. He's started saying more words now and babbles a lot and although he doesn't talk a lot I have to believe it's because there's a three year old in the house who pretty much doesn't stop talking. Some of Zac's words are: mama, dada, hot, basketball (bat-ball), he picks up his shirt and points to his belly and says something that resembles the word belly button, ball, hi, bye-bye, down, more, uh-oh, whoa, ouch, no and yes.
He knows some body parts like mouth, teeth, nose, and feet. He also roars like a lion for pretty much any animal you ask him about. I think he does it on purpose though. And today in the car he kept roaring and putting his hands up in the air like he had claws.
He totally understands us and knows what we're saying to him. Last night, he got out of the tub and I dried him off and he walked out of the bathroom naked. I said to him "Zac do you want to try and go potty?" (just to see what he'd do) and he stopped in the hallway, gave me a look and then peed all over the floor. He went potty alright, just not in the right place. Maybe he'll be the easy one to potty train?
He still doesn't like any type of pasta or sandwiches. He pretty much only likes chicken. He eats some veggies, yogurt, crackers, cheese, fruit and loves milk. Oh and water ice. He loves water ice! He has 6 total teeth now (5 and 6 are still coming in) and is slowly getting lots of hair just like Tyler did.
I totally want to keep this kid my baby forever, but it's evident that he's growing up and becoming a little dude. We don't worry so much about gates on the stairs because he gets it now that he can't just roll down the steps :) The other day, he and Tyler played in Tyler's room for about 10 minutes. I didn't even want to go look because it was almost too good to be true. It was like he was a big kid just playing with his brother. And Zac is totally fearless about pretty much everything.
He may be the little brother, but he can hold his own and if we tell him to get Tyler it's hysterical. He runs over to Tyler and tries to tackle him. There will be lots of wrestling in out future I'm sure of it.
And some pictures from the week. Most were on Instagram already, but they need to go here too so they can be printed in the book. So sorry for the duplicates!
I said goodbye to the Explorer last week and we got a new car, it's a 2009 but it's new to us and it's awesome. I finally have the sunroof I've always wanted and now a third row seat, oh and 4 doors. Cha-ching...I am so loving it!

And the rest is just more summer fun. Climbing trees, climbing the Jeep and jumping off, bike rides to the park to go fishing with buddies, my cheap cleaning people, monster truck central in this house (even at 7am) and Dave declares you have to turn it up loud to hear the engines...ugh, zoo trips, little guys having a jam session, hanging with friends at the mall, little Bambi's in our backyard and bubble baths for Mr. Magoo.

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