I was talking to a neighbor the other day about their new baby. Tyler was standing next to me and our neighbor was in his car. Then, Tyler asks him "Why do you talk like a girl?"
We were getting ready to leave one day and Tyler was running down the street yelling to Ms. Michelle our neighbor "I have to tell you something!". I didn't go with him to go see her, so when they both came back up the street apparently he told her "We're going to drink wine".
His teacher is on maternity leave and she came in to visit them yesterday. He told his other teacher that's filling in "Ms. Emily, you can go home now."
Zac fell off the front stoop and chipped his tooth. He took a head dive off of Tyler's bed the other morning. Then, we were outside playing and we heard him faintly yelling. I look over and he drove his little car under the Jeep and was stuck on the bumper. It was his mouth that was stuck, specifically his front teeth that were caught on the bumper.
Here's what we've been up to this week...
I walked in to the kitchen and Zac helped himself to a box of donuts for a bedtime snack.

Tyler jammin out

Carnival games

Dave took him to the fish game (against my will) and surprise he won a fish. His name was Tommy.

Brotherly love

The ball pit at Knoebels. I forgot my camera, but we had a great day riding rides. Tyler went on his first log flume ride that has a pretty big hill at the end and then asked to go on it again. He also went on the kid roller coaster, in which I had him in a head lock because it jerked you around so much. He closed his eyes the whole time, then asked to go on again. Hoping he continues to like these rides! Zac went on a few rides too like the little boats, cars and ball pit. He's much more in to riding rides at this age than Tyler was, but he also follows Tyler around like a hawk, so anything Tyler does is a given that Zac will do.

Alex and I riding the Phoenix. She loves roller coasters. It's been a while since I've had the chance to ride roller coasters, since I feel like I was perpetually pregnant for a few years of my life!

Sleepy boys after a long day at Knoebels. Tyler head always falls forward when he sleeps in the car, so I used the horse stuffed animal to prop up his head.

So apparently the boy bands have reunited and are touring again. It's called the "Package Tour", very original. I laughed so hard when I watched these 30 something's on stage signing and trying to be teenagers again. Not so sure about this. But then again I wasn't so sure about them when they were teenagers either.

And of course the reason I didn't want to win a darn fish wasn't only because I'd have the responsibility of keeping another living things alive, but also because I knew we're had to bury him sooner than later. Tommy just wouldn't eat. His future was glim from the start. But Tyler had a great 3 days with him where Tommy lived on Tyler's night stand, but then one night he was belly up. At first we thought Tyler was ok with it, but it went downhill fast. Here's the official flush.
And Zac looks like he bit the head off a bat, but really it's just a berry smoothie popsicle I made.
Zac is prepping to be the next Ozzy!!!
Oh my gosh I was cracking up at this post!!! I miss these hilarious kiddos. They are both true originals. Tyler and his no-filter comments ... and it sounds like Zac is turning into quite the character himself ... funny times in Flourtown!! May Tommy RIP.
There's been another death in the family...Sydney's beta fish "Swimmie" has finally joined Tommy down the sewer pipes.
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