Dave went away from Thurs-Sun for a "man weekend" with all the guys. As usual, my kids did not disappoint in having to visit the doctor while Dad was away. Things were just going too perfect. Saturday afternoon, we were playing outside and Catherine and Zac were playing on the swing set together. He'd climb up the ladder, then he'd go down the slide on her lap. They must have done that 5 times or so and when they went down one time Zac got his leg caught and started to scream. Catherine saw that he hurt his leg, but we didn't think it was that bad. When he woke up from his nap he wouldn't walk. Thankfully, Aunt Amy was here so I was able to take him to Urgent Care to to get him checked. He didn't seem like he was in pain, but he was dragging his left leg and just wouldn't walk. We watched him for a while and thought it was his left leg so that's what we were focusing on when I got there. They did an x-ray and didn't see a fracture so they put a splint on him and we made an appointment with Pediatric Orthopedics for this morning. From Saturday until this morning he pretty much didn't walk. He would crawl around and try to stand but that was it. And insisted that I pretty much hold him every second of the day...even while going pee. Yeah, that takes talent. Lots of fun with Dave being gone.
We went to Ortho this morning and they took the splint off and we started to realize that it's actually the other leg that now seemed injured, which I had kind of noticed yesterday morning. The doc pressed on his shins and it was the right leg that seemed to hurt him. Back to x-ray for another view of the legs and those came back showing no fracture. Off we went with his sprained leg and a limpy boy. The doctor said it was on it's way to a "toddler fracture", but didn't get fractured thank goodness! He said it's super common for this to happen to kids and it's textbook the way it happened on the slide. 85% of kids he sees with this do it the exact same way by sitting on someones lap going down the slide and get their foot stuck. Crazy! Here's the little patient...he never really acted like he was in pain through all of this...my happy camper.

1 comment:
What the picture doesn't show is that Aunt Jill got kicked in the nose while that boot was up in the air making him laugh! Worth it though...Zac giggling is the best!
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