Tyler's presents from school for Mother's day
Tyler wanted to watch our wedding video, he was totally in to it.
This is how Dad serves lunch
Kyle in Tyler's bike helmet...how is this kid a teenager already!?
Watching Kyle and Adam play basketball

Adam the random Oregon Ducks fan...he likes the uniforms. Good thing we also root for the Ducks in this house too...we show our east coast love for Melissa's team :)
Tyler graduated from the ENT! The doctor removed his tubes because they were just sitting in his ear canal and not functioning anymore. And he gave Tyler one to take home as a souvenir. No more ENT visits and his ears look good. I can't explain how much these tiny little tubes helped Tyler. It's amazing, he hasn't had an ear infection since they day he got them put in back in March of 2011. So, after his appointment, we went to Dunkin Donuts for a little celebration before we went back to work and school.
The tube is in the top left corner of the baggie.
Let the watermelon eating begin!
When Tyler was little he use to cry when his bananas broke in half. He hasn't done this in a long time, so when he had a minor banana breakdown on this particular sleepy morning I had to capture it to show him when he's 30.
Zac climbs on everything. I mean like anything he can get his hands on he's trying to scale. He tried to climb the garbage can this morning. Funny thing is he's actually good at it. He can climb the ladder on the swing set by himself and he now tries to go up the stairs like us. He hangs on the the bars on the railing and takes the steps one at a time.
And Tyler just chillin...
Juli got a bike. We had a great ride out to valley Forge last weekend. Happy to have another bike riding buddy :)
We went to see Catherine play Lacrosse and Tyler played football with some boys. It was pretty cool to watch him jump in on his first football game :)
I went to grab a blanket to cover up with the other day and I found a surprise Rice Krispie treat tucked away in the blanket
Juliet left Baby Nakie at our house and I had to put her up on the counter to protect her from the DePolo boys...poor baby nakie would've been launched across the room or down the stairs if I wasn't watching out for her. Thankfully, we returned her back to her Mommy Juliet in one piece :)
I got a new pair of rain boots and I finally got to wear them!
Sometimes slinky's get caught on your nose!
Fun in the tub

This is the aftermath of what our bathroom looks like if Zac wakes up before I'm done getting ready for work. He rips through the bathroom like a hurricane and I let him go because it gives me the extra few minutes I need to finish getting ready. I pick my battles, it's only toilet paper and he's making up for the fact that Tyler never did this kind of stuff :)