At one year, he weighs 19lbs 10oz (25%) and is 29.33 in (35%). I have no clue where he puts his food (which is what they often tell me at school too). Doctor says our boys have a fast metabolism, which makes sense because if you saw pictures of Dave and I from when we were little you might just think we never ate (skinny minny kiddos for sure). We had his checkup last week and he's growing great, no worries at the doctor.
He's off the bottle. Wasn't much of a big deal at all and he doesn't miss it one bit. I think it helps that he's been stealing drinks from his brothers cup for months, so to him it probably seems much cooler than a bottle. He's also switched to milk and is off formula and he really likes milk thank goodness. Still eating really well too. Favorite foods are cheese sticks, green beans, chicken fries, carrots, yogurt smoothies, and he's starting to eat some pasta, which he wasn't before so that opens up lots more options for us.
What else? Sleep. Yes, this has been the one thing that has been a learning experience for us. Tyler slept awesome, always. Or at least that's how we remember it (I think we tend to forget some things). Not to say that he doesn't sleep well. He sleeps 9-10 hours a night from about 8-6 and some people would do anything for their kids to do that I get it. But then he likes to throw us for a loop and wake up at 4:30 like he did this morning and scream (see he does have a nice set of lungs). So he and Dave slept on the couch until 6 when they woke up. The hardest part about this is trying to let Zac get himself back to sleep while making sure he doesn't wake Tyler up. Because then we deal with 2 kids at 4am, which is much different than just putting one back to bed. If we had a mansion with different wings of the house, no problem, but we don't. This shiz isn't for fools I tell ya.
He talks. We don't know what he says, but he babbles and blabs and yells at Tyler mostly. He also tells us something fierce when we take him away from doing something he's not supposed to be doing. When Tyler takes a toy from him he definitely lets him know he's not happy. The day will come when he can verbalize what he's saying and it'll be really funny to see what he's actually saying. Mama, Dada, nana (banana) still, but now when he wants something he says "Muh, muh". The means he wants more food or just wants food.
Another thing is he totally understands us. We ask him to go get the ball and he's off to find a ball. Where's the doggie? Points to Karen and Ben's house or when Barclay is in the yard he looks out the window and says "huh, huh" (his version of a bark. He's starting to point to things he wants also.
Walking is his thing, he also does these great squats when he wants to bend down and get something and I've been meaning to get a picture because it's adorable. He's very stable and goes in circles in our house with Tyler playing and screaming. He may be a calm dude, but he is busy. Just like his brother. Zac is in to everything. Walking around exploring, crawling under things, inside things, over things and most definitely climbing on things. He's a climber. It's going to be fun to get him on the swing set to climb the ladder.
The other night I was doing dishes and they ran around and played. For about 10 minutes Tyler was chasing Zac, they were both screaming loudly (fun screaming) and they played. You know how cool that was? To see them interacting and having fun together? I may have had a tear in my eye.
If you would've asked me last March if we were going to get through the first year, I may have said I'm not sure. The year has been a tough one. We were told that the first year will be the hardest when adding a second kid, and moving to a family of four has been a learning experience for us all. Since I usually only write about the good stuff here it probably seems like this gig is a breeze. Well boys, let me tell you it's not (don't you worry, I will elaborate more when you have kids of your own no need to fill this book up with not so positive things). I could go on about the many obstacles we've had, the amount of times I've cried and broke down and thrown my hands up not knowing what to do or if the decision we're making as parents is the right decision. The times that I felt like I wanted to run and hide until the phase of whatever was going on got better or run to a hotel and sleep for 2 days straight, for real I've actually thought about that hotel one many times this year ha! All in all though, we have good kids, but at the same time their kids so we "Keep on keeping on" :)
But it's worth it when you see a huge smile, get a hug, or a sloppy drooly kiss or a "night, night Mommy, I love you."
Zac, you've completed out little family. You have made this past year as easy as you could on us. You light up a room with your smile and your cuddles can make anyone melt. We look forward to seeing you grow, play and become a "kid"! Love you Zac-y!
Now, on to some birthday celebration pictures from this past week. First party of the day was at school. Tyler's teacher sent me these pictures and I cried. To know that the people at our school love my kid and take time to celebrate him like we would is the best feeling in the world.

Dave was away for work this past week :( So, we had a little celebration on your actual birthday and you enjoyed your second helping of cake for the day! :)
I'm not one to let things linger around, bye bye bottles woohooo!
The climber in action!
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