I write about this stuff below so I can look back in years to come and laugh about the chaos that always happened when Dave left town. Murphys Law.
Dave returned home last night after being gone for 15 days. A test of my mothering with two kids for 15 days without my other half was quite eventful. The first week was great. Dave came home after that week for 2 days and I told him we had a great week. No stress, no problem, kids were good. I've got this. I should've known I would jinx myself by saying that.
He left again on Monday around noon and by 2 o'clock the phone rings and it's daycare. Ask any working mom knows how your stomach feels when you see the daycare number show up (especially when said husband just left town). It sinks. It was Tyler's teacher telling me he ran in to a pole on the playground and when she looked back he was laying on the ground. All was fine, but she wasn't quite sure how to write up the incident without it sounding crazy so she just called to let me know. Then Zac's teacher gets on the phone just to let me know he wasn't being himself, but no fever. Just a heads up for later when I pick him up. By 4 o'clock I got another call that Zac had a 102 fever. Off I go to get them. Call Grammy 911 (my Mom), she said she'd come down to watch him, thanks Mom! Juggling work and sick kids is no fun. 6 sick days/year, little vacation time since I used it all on maternity leave last year and am still building it up, this is the hardest part of being a working mom, it really is. Zac ended up getting pretty sick and had a double ear infection and a 104 fever when he went to get checked out on Wednesday. I was pretty much sick the entire week also with the same thing as Zac. Grammy stayed until Thursday night and I stayed home on Friday and ended up keeping Tyler home too because I didn't have the motivation to leave the house when we woke up to snow on Friday morning.
Jill came down Saturday with the kids for her bday and the weekend was gorgeous and felt like Spring! Even though we just had a few inches of snow the day before it fell and melted pretty quickly. I had to get Zac's antibiotic switched on Saturday because he still wasn't feeling better, but we still played outside, went to the zoo and enjoyed the warm spring sunshine that weekend. I also locked myself out of the house twice while Dave was gone, but the second time all spares keys were in the house. $200 later a locksmith got me back in and it was at that point that I texted Dave and said "I think this has been the worst week of my life". He was skiing in Vermont because he already had a trip planned to take Kyle skiing before his work scheduled two trips back to back. Hence the 15 days.
Zac would not leave my hip for 7 days. We ended our weekend with a Sunday dinner trip to McDonald's so they can play and I had nothing left by this point. Dinner went well, but we ended the trip with a screaming session in the McDonald's bathroom by Zac while Tyler was going to the bathroom (half naked because he just had to get undressed to go to the bathroom in McDonald's of course). And Zac dropped his binky in front of the toilet there and I refused to let him have it back (and believe me, I'm pretty lenient with germs, but not this time). Then, as we left, I accidentally pushed the door open and Tyler's fingers were in the door. Cue screams and some looks from the worker who was also present in the bathroom for the chaos that happened in there. On the way home Tyler said to me "Mommy, can you please never do that again to my fingers?".
Sunday night Zac was up from 3:30-4:45, but Monday I had to just take him to school and hope for the best. I went to work and prayed I wouldn't get a phone call. I didn't. We got home on Monday and Zac was an animal. I wrestled him to take his medicine. I bribed with hot fudge, strawberry jelly and peanut butter. I didn't care if he never had peanut butter and what if he's allergic and I'm home here alone, I'd figure it out if he was allergic, but I was desperate to get him to take a full dose of meds without spitting it out. Nope, nothing worked. It's like wrestling a 200 pound man to get him to take his meds. Tyler never, ever gave us problems with this. Guess it wouldn't be fair if you had two kids that took medicine well. I put him to bed, asked Karen if she could come over and sit at our house while T and I went to feed Ryan and Juli's cats (thank goodness for our awesome neighbors, thanks Karen!). I woke up Tuesday morning at 5:23 and thought "No one woke me up last night, this is fabulous!". Lots more chaos happened that week, but I'd be writing all day if I included it all.
When I picked them up yesterday everyone was happy as can be. And Dave had just come home. Of course. The minute Dad walks back in to the house we all go back to normal and life is happy again. The End.
Here's some pictures of cuddles with grammy, ninja moves, playing in the last snowfall of the season (hopefully!), feeding Juliet snow, cheers with hot chocolate, funny incident report, last snowman standing, Zac learns how to crawl on to the couch, and first zoo trip of the season and birthday celebration for Jill.