Here's Top of the Hill's most eligible bachelor on Valentine's day.
And the next day was picture day so we broke out the button down shirt. When I put it on him that morning he told me "Ty like Daddy". This is what Dave wears to work a lot jeans, sneakers and a button down :)
And we're done with the baby room! We brought swings, car seats, bathtubs, bouncy chairs and so much more down from the attic and all of a sudden our house feels a lot smaller. It's all washed and put back together. Now, all we need is the baby! With 2 weeks left until my due date all I have to do is get some meals cooked and frozen for those first few weeks when we're walking zombies. I decided that next Friday will be my last day of work. I was originally going to work until I had the baby, but then told myself I deserve a few days of no work before he's born. And when HR told me I'd have to be taken in an ambulance to the hospital if I went in to labor at work, well that pretty much sealed the deal for me. Not saying it can't happen next week, but I'm not pushing it :) I could tell we're getting closer because I've been having some random pains, but nothing consistent. My back keeps making this pop when I flip over in the middle of the night and every time I think it's the infamous "water breaking pop" I had with Tyler. And every time I call Dave at work to tell him something he says I thought you were calling to tell me your in labor. So I don't think I'm allowed to call anymore until it's the real deal :) I forgot about the fun of not knowing when a baby will decide to arrive!
Tyler seems to really be getting the idea that Zachary will be here soon. We're not sure if he knows he'll be coming home to live with us permanently, but he knows there's a baby that will be here soon and he looks in the crib and says "Zachary not here yet", so he knows something is up! Tonight I was putting him to bed and asked if he was going to help with Zac and of course he said "yes" and then I said will you sing him the ABC's when he cries and he broke out in to singing ABC's. This was the first time I've ever heard him sing the whole song by himself. I love it, he's taking this big bro thing seriously :)
And look on the bright side, if Tyler decides he doesn't want to keep Zachary, you already know Sydney wants him!!!
Sounds like you guys had the perfect Valentine's day- wow, flowers at work!!?? Nice work, Dave & Tyler:) LOVE Zachary's room- you guys did a great job!!
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