Monday night we got a 3d ultrasound done. It was really cool to see our little guy and it's amazing how much he looks like Tyler. I think it's pretty safe to say I might just be the hotel again with this one. As soon as the ultrasound tech saw little Zachary, she said he looks just like Tyler, who in turn looks just like Dad. These pictures aren't as clear as the ones we had Tyler, but you can definitely see the resemblance :)
Zachary - 29 weeks

Tyler 28 - weeks
These are awesome, Beth!! But.... I was hoping #2 would be a little Beth- maybe you guys will be surprised once he arrives:) SO fun and you're getting SO close!!!
He's beautiful!!! Can't wait to meet my new nephew and who knows, he's so cute maybe we will do what Sydney's been asking and ask you if we can keep him when he gets here! :)
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