This past weekend, we went to Rickett’s Glen to do some hiking and get in some last of the season camping before it starts getting super cold. It was also a bday celebration of Fall babies and I think there were 5 of them (counting back 9 months we’re right in the heart of Winter, which I think can explain all of these Fall babies!). We’ve been going to Rickett’s Glen since we were kids and I was really excited to take Tyler and let him run around, but the weather wasn’t the best so we decided to leave him with Grammy and Pop-Pop (and Alex stayed behind with Tyler too). So, Jill, Kevin, Sydney and I went and did a nice 4 mile hike along the water falls (Dave went earlier that morning to do a longer hike with some other friends). It was beautiful, even though it was damp and things were a little soggy from the rain we’ve been having. Sydney was a trooper and hiked pretty much the entire way and we had a great fall afternoon. That evening a bunch of us we camped in some pretty chilly weather (I’m thinking it was high 30’s low 40’s at night) and had a really fun last camp for the season!

On a not-so-fun note, I spent Sunday evening in Triage again for the
same issues that I was having a few weeks ago. Everything looked awesome with the baby, but the friable cervix is to blame again. :( We have no clue if this will continue throughout the rest of my pregnancy, but they say pregnancy is the culprit as to why it’s happening (it’s nothing that I’m doing like lifting or over exerting myself, which is hard to avoid anyway with a toddler running around). They’ve reassured me this is “normal” in the pregnancy world and everything is going to be just fine so I just have to go with what they tell me and keep on keeping on :) We’re half way there, I’m feeling great, the little dude is starting to let me know he’s in there with his kicks and jabs and we’re counting down the days until we could see his sweet face! I know it may sound crazy to some, but I really like being pregnant. Here’s a look at the bump at 20 weeks 4 days :)

We were over our friends Shannon and Raf's house the other day and Tyler was totally loving being in the crate with their dog Arthur. Arthur was a very good sport and didn't mind sharing the crate with him. This might come in handy when I need to corral him once the new baby is born...I might have to make a trip to the pet store ;)

Arthur is getting pretty big...I'm not sure if they'll both fit next time we visit!

Shan sent me this picture of when he was a little smaller and for a split second it made me think we totally need a dog! So cute! Then I came back to reality and realized we need to see if we can handle 2 kids first. We might be ready for a dog when they go to college :)