Yep, there's another little DePolo on the way and we are super excited! I found out I was pregnant on Sunday, June 26th. Dave was gone to a bachelor party that weekend and I spent the weekend with my family. I kept telling Jill that I was so tired and then I woofed down everyone's meals at the Hibachi grill we went to that Saturday night. Thinking nothing of it, I got home on Sunday and after a long weekend of chasing down the dude alone I was on my way downstairs to get a nice cold Blue Moon when for some reason, I thought maybe I should take a pregnancy test. I did...needless to say I'll be meeting up with that Blue Moon in March next year...wait for me buddy I'll be back :)
Everything has been going great with this pregnancy and I've been feeling really good so far. No complaints other than just being tired, but that's to be expected and I know it goes away. It's nice the 2nd time around that you know what's happening/going to happen and at the same time I can think of reasons that it might not be great that I know what will happen this time lol!
We don't think Tyler has any clue that he's going to be a big brother or what that means, but he does know there's a baby in my belly. And he also learned the word boobies along with that. Yes, he points and says Baby and then Boobies - oye! He thinks it's hilarious. Oh well, he's gotta learn sometime right? When I picked him up from school today the teacher told me he was pointing to her belly saying baby...oh boy! At least there's no boobies reports yet ha!
My belly is growing fast and furious this time around and when I went for my first ultrasound I was convinced I was going to see twins. Nope, there's just one and the ultrasound tech told me muscle memory is the culprit. So, if I wanted to hide it this time around it wasn't going to work. When I told the teachers at school they told me they already knew and were just waiting for me to say something - I think they have preggo radar. That was the response I got from 75% of the people I told. We went to a wedding in Colorado and a man asked me how far along I was and when I told him he said "You better eat more salads"...thank you sir. You're lucky things like that don't bother me. Bellies are in and I'm more than happy to be sporting a growing one :)
On to the peanut...he/she is growing nicely and is very healthy - we're so thankful we're off to a great start! I had an ultrasound at around 8 weeks and I just had another today. Heartbeat has been super strong and everything looked great. I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow and my due date is March 2, 2012 and we can't wait to welcome this next little peanut in to our family! Here's a first look at the bean ♥

Stay tuned belly pics to come...
You and Shannon have the same due date!! How super exciting is that!! Yay!! And congrats!
That's the difference between my sister and me, I would have drank the Blue Moon BEFORE taking the test! :)
I'm sorry April & I missed this Thursday! My alert system for blogs was wonky last week & we were out of town all last weekend. Cannot wait for Asa to meet both your little fellas!
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